Vampire M#3 - Michael Beaumont

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Name: Michael Beaumont

Age: 18 when he turned

Tribute Number: 3

Species: Vampire

Species Powers: Michael can move extremely quickly, even for a vampire, and without being heard. This makes him fantastic when doing anything stealthy.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. He always has a neatly trimmed beard connected to his hair by his long sideburns, so that it all looks like one thing. Since he loves getting into fights with anyone he has scars on his face from fighting other vampires. He is tall around 6'3 and muscular.

Personality: Michael is incredibly brutal; he loves anything that has to do with violence and is pretty damn good at it. When he gets angry he is an unstoppable force, murdering and destroying everything in his sight. He is extremely racist; he couldn't care less about any of the other species only respecting other vampires. Not only does he kill but he enjoys doing it in the way that will hurt the most. Where he can just bite someone's throat out quickly, he enjoys taking the time to smash their skull in with a baseball bat. He has incredible instincts which make up for the fact that he doesn't really care about knowledge. Michael thrives in situations where he is about to die, he lives for those moments. The only time that Michael truly respects any non-vampire is if they somehow manage to beat him in a fight, which doesn't happen often.

Arch Enemy: Cannot stand werewolves, he thinks that they are weak because they have to transform to use their true powers. He would never ally with anyone so puny.

Alliance: Michael works best with other vampires, but he has to be in control. Michael is a proven leader and does not take kindly to taking orders. He would also consider teaming with a warlock or faeries but only if he sees them as someone who could put up a good fight against him.

Weapon of Choice: Like all vampires he can use his claws and fangs but he prefers to use non-conventional weapons so that he can enjoy himself more. Among his favourites are tree branches, baseball bats and crowbars.

Strengths: Like most vampires Michael is strong. He is faster than most vampires and can sneak around without making noise. He is an incredibly able fighter and has great leadership ability, he also has great instincts.

Weaknesses: Michael is impulsive, he often makes decisions without thinking them through, he isn't very smart instead relying on his instincts, burns in the sun and that whole thing about holy objects.

Backstory: Michael doesn't remember much about before he was turned. He knows that his parents where simple villagers living in England and that his village was pillaged, his father was killed while trying to defend the village and that his mother died defending him. The bandits that pillaged his village too him with them, when he was 17 he snuck into the bandit leaders tent and slit his throat, he then took over the bandit group and led them for a year before they were attacked by vampires. Again Michael was the only survivor and the vampires turned him. He joined up with the vampires but two weeks later he killed the leader and took power again. He doesn't remember how old he is or when exactly in history all this happened but he watched every one of those vampires and he still survives. He lives with some much survivors guilt, he channels it into his anger which is why he is so impulsive and brutal. He wasn't always like that, he used to be normal, but after surviving for so long and watching so many loved ones die he just doesn't care anymore.

Tribute Owner: theboss27981

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