Tribute Reservations

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Sorry to have to do this whole dance again, but I need people to recomment their choices of tributes. I've changed a few things, so please let me know. Those who already reserved a tribute will have first pick on what supernatural being they'd like their tribute to be, and I'll write the people who get to pick first down below.








If your name is above, you get priority over which Downworlder you want to reserve. Just comment / PM me your choice, preferably set out like: Werewolf female #3. Now, for the tribute reservations :)

Tributes for my 2nd Writers' Games, those of you who have reserved tributes, I'd like to notify you of something. I've mentioned before that there won't be Districts, but I think I need to explain something to you. (Bit of a massive spoiler here, I think XD) the Games are set far into the future, and all the humans have... Evolved. There are now no more humans, only werewolves, faeries, vampires and warlocks. You get to pick which one you want to be, and just comment on the last chapter of my current Writers' Games to let me know. Please join guys! I really want to see how these Games turn out :) The reservations in these Games will be set out like this:

Division 1 - Werewolves

Female #1 - FlamingFox555

Male #1 - @The_White_Bengal

Female #2 - @polorpenguin

Male #2 - @Fallen_Mockingjayx

Female #3 - @AverageEverydayHero

Male #3 - paddy97coolpink

Female #4 - @-LovelyButterfly-

Male #4 - @AverageEverydayHero

Division 2 - Vampires

Female #1 - Soft_Serve7

Male #1 - FlamingFox555

Female #2 - paddy97coolpink

Male #2 - @frostlapse

Female #3 - @x_skycookies_x

Male #3 - theboss27981

Female #4 - @Venus_Morgenstern

Male #4 - @_White_R0se_

Division 3 - Faeries

Female #1 - TheFactionless

Male #1 - @x_skycookies_x

Female #2 - @DeadlyAlive23

Male #2 - GeneticallyUnpure

Female #3 - @YourAverageDemigod

Male #3 - @Tinuviel_Avery22

Female #4 - FabulouslyNerdy13

Male #4 - @PrincessInTheShadows

Division 4 - Warlocks

Female #1 - @MockingjayDivergence

Male #1 - GeneticallyUnpure

Female #2 - FabulouslyNerdy13

Male #2 - @Divergent-MazeRunner

Female #3 - jennaroseh

Male #3 - @trainsarecool101

Female #4 - @darkfourtriswolfrose

Male #4 - @MusicaMelody

If you have any questions, please let me know :) I'll be happy to help! Make sure to write what number tribute and which Downworlder you want when you request the tribute! Or re-request the tribute... Sorry for the inconvenience guys! Comment what tribute you want! Anyone can ask :)

Also, in case you're interested, the Districts were destroyed and the four Divisions were created instead. The Capitol still resides in the center of the whole country, and the empty fields surrounding it for miles around are where the arenas are usually built (unless they're overseas or something) and the people are noticably less... Freaky. The tribute form will be posted shortly! As will the sponsor form :)

Writers' Games - Downworlders {CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora