Task 1 - Train Ride

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, but the Games are finally starting! If you haven't handed in your tribute form, you must send it in with your entry. If I don't receive a form with your entry (if you send one) then I won't count it and your tribute will be replaced with a dummy tribute that will die in the bloodbath. Remember, I'm only accepting tasks via EMAIL from now on. If you don't have an email and have a very good reason for that, then you can use kik, hangouts, iMessage, etc. I don't mind, as long as it's not PMed.


"And that concludes the reaping for this year's Games. Give a round of applause to your tributes!!" Your Division escort screams to the crowd. For most of you, you only receive a feeble applause from the Downworlders. Peacekeepers grab your arms and march you offstage, and back to where a small train waits. You know that this tiny, scarcely-furnished train is only temporary - the luxurious one waits in the next Division. Unlike the old Games, all the tributes are thrown together on one train, to form alliances and make enemies.


You're welcome for the short intro :P. This task is a simple one. You're to write about the train ride. But it's not just that, there are a few extra things you'll have to add in. You have to see / be involved in an argument with another tribute, which may lead to a fight. Please try and make allies, and make sure to interact with the others. [Quick description of the lay-out of the new country - each Division is at a compass point, with the Capitol in the direct centre. The train starts at the Werewolf Division (West) and then goes to the Faerie Division (North), after them is the Warlock Division (East) and finally is the Vsmpire Division (South).]

I won't be starting bonus points until the interviews, so sorry about that. One more thing, I'd like your tribute(s) to overhear something from one of the peacekeepers. It can be a conspiracy theory, a government plan, what they're having for dinner, literally anything. I know I said I wouldn't do bonus points, but whoever hears the best thing will get a single death taken off their death toll in the bloodbath task.

Once again, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Thanks guys! This task will be due on THE 1ST OF MARCH, 8:30PM. That's ages, so make sure that your entries are awesome! Byyyeeee

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