Warlock M#4 - Edmund Allsopp

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Name: Edmund Allsopp
Age: 18
Tribute Number: Male #4
Species: Warlock
Special Powers: Control over the element air, can change into a gazelle
Gender: Male
Appearance: Edmund has short black hair, with two tiny horns sticking out of his head. He tends to wear a hood to cover it up as everyone will notice him. He has pale skin. Edmund is about 5ft 11, with piercing dark brown eyes.
Personality: Edmund is very passive and will hardly get into any conversation with anyone. He can be very arrogant at times and likes to show off, generally by making fun of people. Edmund has a very good sense of humour, although making fun of people is something he would class as funny. He has a lighter side to his personality, where he can be kind and considerate but that is only to people he trusts and has known for a long time.
Arch Enemy: Vampires, due to the fact that they have been causing him the most trouble out all the other species
Alliance: None, Edmund prefers to work alone although he will consider an alliance if he needs one
Weapon of Choice: If not his element then he will use a sword
Strengths: Edmund is very good at surviving in a new territory and he can be cunning to get what he wants.
Weaknesses: He will always turn his back on help, whenever anyone wants to help him. Also he is very stubborn and will never back down from a decision, no matter how stupid it is.
Backstory: After having an accident when transforming into his animal, he had short horns which are still visible when he is a warlock. Due to the impact this caused on him emotionally, he decide he rid himself of any human contact, but will help people if need be. For the last two years, he has lived a solitary life.
Tribute Owner: MusicaMelody

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