Task 4 Entries (Part 2)

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So yeah, I'm an idiot. Already, two people have come to me and said that I forgot to post their entries XD well, here they are! Last chance guys, if anyone else (ANYONE ELSE) wants to hand in the Bloodbath task and re-enter the Games, you have 48 hours. Give or take. Thanks everybody! Scores and rankings will be posted today, Chopping Block results will PROBABLY be posted tomorrow, and anything else will be posted within two days :) any entries that weren't in the last chapter but get handed in will be posted here!

Magnus Bowee
The sedatives wore off slowly around noon, the numbness leaving my arms and legs with a dull ache. My eyes scanned the small room groggily, searching for anything to determine my location. Gradually my hearing returned and I could identify the constant beeping next to me as a heart rate monitor. Great. I landed my sorry ass back in the loony bin.

I chose not to pointlessly struggle but rather to wait patiently for the doctors or nurses to arrive. Hunger gnawed at my chest again, and I recall yesterday's events. Oh god, I hope I didn't kill him, what would the Capitol do to me if I killed a tribute a day early? Wait, a day early? Today is the Games!

The gnawing in my stomach only increased when I caught a whiff of the delicious scarlet liquid as a bloody patient was wheeled down the hallway, past my door. Blood streamed down the face of a warlock, whose forehead had been split open from some sort of incident. My gums throbbed as my fangs threatened a reappearance, thirsty for another taste of the taboo drink. Clenching my jaw, I averted my eyes from the sight. Just then, a young nurse entered the room with a too-cheery smile, greeting me. I ignored her.

The woman fumbled with the multiple wires and tubes attached to my arms and legs, rambling on about something involving the games. "And do not tell anyone, but I'm rooting for you today. I hope you get through the bloodbath," she mentioned, catching my attention. I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. She caught my eye, blushing slightly. "I mean, I just hope you get through, you know, don't die. I mean-" she stammered nervously. I smiled lightly at her, clearing my dry throat.

"It's fine, I get it," I murmured, turning my head back to stare at the ceiling. Her mouth hung open in an 'o' for a moment before she went back to handling the heart monitor on my bare chest. Once finished the nurse left me to ponder my thoughts. In little more than an hour, I would be released to board the ship to the arena, where the Hunger Games would officially begin. I attempted to gather some sort of strategy for the bloodbath, but whatever drugs they'd been pumping into my veins to keep me sedated kept me from focusing for too long. Eventually I gave up, following the textured pattern in the ceiling with my eyes as the minutes passed.

The jostling of the door spooked me from my trance and I turned my head to examine the noise. A grim-looking doctor approached me, wheeling a cart of medicine with him. "Hello, Magnus. Good to see you're awake. So, lets get right to the point: the Capitol is very upset that you attacked Cyrus yesterday, but understand you couldn't help yourself. All newly-changed violently attack their first meal out of instinct, and are very susceptible to their first sight and smell of blood," he explained, preparing a shot to go into an IV. "However, they asked me to prepare a concoction to reduce said urges until you are into the arena. These will not hinder you in any way, only make you not thirsty. Understand?" I nodded in response.

The doctor unlocked the magic-impairing metal cuffs from my wrists, and I felt a surge of power zap back into my fingertips. I rubbed the sore area around my wrist, sitting up once my legs are free. The hunger scratching at my stomachs slowly subsided as the medicine kicks in. I remembered the question I was asking myself for an hour. "Is Cyrus alive still?"

"Yes. Fortunately, you only sucked enough blood out of his body to slow his heartbeat to minimal. We managed to heal him rather quickly. He will be going out to the hover raft with you once he is discharged in," He explained, checking his watch. "15 minutes. Given that time, you have a while to... Clean yourself up. Clothes are in the dresser."

Writers' Games - Downworlders {CLOSED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora