Task 5 - Disastrous

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Ever since the death of the worker two days ago, the Gamemakers had been doing their absolute best to please Niamh. Every order was obeyed within seconds, every command carried out in the most efficient way, and every request considered seriously. Niamh walked around the room, carefully checking every computer screen. When she saw that they were all something related to the Games, she smirked before going to the 3D map in the centre of the room. She ran a silver nail through the hologram, and paused when she reached the centre of the arena; the Cornucopia.

"Dolly!" Niamh called out in the silent room. Many of the Gamemakers started in surprise, and it wasn't long before Dolly rushed forwards, coming to a stop on the right of Niamh.

"Yes Miss Silver?" She asked, her high voice quaking slightly. The thirteen year old, despite being the second highest ranking Gamemaker, was absolutely terrified of Niamh. Despite their mutual friendship, and despite the eight year age difference, the two worked well together, and had firm control over the other Gamemakers. They listened to each other's ideas, and brainstormed the twists together.

"What's the twist that those idiots have planned for today?" Niamh asked, chewing on her lip as she assessed the arena.

"Well, they've decided to put the disasters into action. Each section of the arena will be devastated by a different kind of disaster, ranging from a tsunami to a sandstorm. It should give the tributes something to think about." Dolly said with a wicked grin. Niamh returned the cruel smirk, before nodding to the werewolf that programmed the disasters, Carrie. She nodded back, before using a hairy hand to type a few things onto her keyboard. Suddenly, the map of the arena twitched as disasters filled each section. Niamh's perfect lips curled up into a harsh smirk, and she heard Dolly chuckle darkly as the little lights that symbolised the tributes started to run frantically around.

"Choke on that, you imbeciles." Dolly murmured under her breath, staring fixatedly at the little darting lights.

"Well said, Dolly. Well said."


Welcome to Task 5! The name is a massive giveaway to what the task is, but oh well. This task, your tribute will have to survive a disaster. The only safe place from ALL the disasters is the Cornucopia, and the soft grassy area around it. Some of the disasters might be unrealistic, but it was hard to find one that suited each section of the arena. Your task is to find safety SOMEWHERE. Yes, you can now leave the assigned section and travel anywhere. But remember, every place has assets and drawbacks.

You're to write about your tribute surviving the disaster in the section that they decide to go to. Each tribute must experience the disaster in one way or another, and the more detail, the better. This task is more creative than brutal, so put all your effort into describing emotions, senses and stuff. The scoring will, as usual, be out of 12, and bonus points are worth 5 per person. Also, you're to message me BEFORE you hand in your task which section of the arena you want to go to. This is just to make things easier for Task 6 (which I've already planned) Choose your section carefully! And remember, the centre of the arena is the only safe place. EACH DISASTER WILL LAST 4 HOURS BEFORE BLINKING OUT OF EXISTENCE.

Reminder, most of these will be unrealistic. Suck it up :P you're in the arena, and Niamh is in control. Anything can happen. Also, if you want further details on each disaster, message me or use our favourite search tool, Bing. Just kidding, screw Bing, use Google! Whoo!

In the snowy mountain section, the disaster will be...
In the marshland section, the disaster will be...
In the forest section, the disaster will be...
In the grassy plains section, the disaster will be...
In the desert section, the disaster will be...
In the rainforest section, the disaster will be...
A TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR. (Also known as a rainstorm)

As I said, this task is more about creativity. There will be NO entry kills this task BUT you can send in two ballots, and two ballots only. They have to be at the bottom of your entry, and you should know how to set it out. If not, read one of the past chapters - I wrote it in one of them that I can't remember XD be careful with your ballots - Three tributes will be going up for votes, and only one will survive. You'll vote for two, and in the event of a tie, the higher ranking tribute will win. Use your ballots to kill someone that's annoying you, or to kill someone that you think is a huge threat.

Sponsored tributes! This task, you can have an extra ballot, AND get an extra vote when the chapter is up :)

Three lots of bonus points are up for grabs this task. The first entry to be handed in will receive three points, the funniest entry will receive 4 points, and the best description of a disaster will earn five points. If one tribute hands in first, they cannot receive either of the other bonus points. Same if they have the funniest entry, or the best disaster description. Write well my friends!

The deadline for this task is the 31ST OF JULY. That's about three weeks, so I expect all entries to be handed in. Please don't disappoint me. All entries must be emailed to ally.oshea.xoxo@gmail.com OR azzyazz98765@gmail.com . I'm going to make a new email for my next Games - one purely for Author Games.

So this feels really short... Let me know if I've forgotten anything! And do you like the new setup? Much easier to find everything XD. Comment / PM questions!

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