Task 2 - The Interviews

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I have a problem. I procrastinate and forget too much. So sorry for the delay guys - I have terrible memory. Unfortunately, when I do remember, I'm somewhere where I can't write or I have writer's block. Other times I just plain forget. Anyways, sorry for the wait, but here's the next task! Anyone who doesn't hand in this task (who didn't hand in the last one either) will be eliminated, unless YOU CONTACT ME.


Kira Kirk, the 10-year interviewer of the tributes, stared at the sponsors gathered around the room, mingling with the other important citizens in the Capitol. Niamh was looking very regal in a strapless, floor-length, sparkling golden dress that hugged her curves, and made her seem much taller than her 5'4 height. Her silver hair was in two braids on either side of her head, and had gold glitter strewn throughout it. Her makeup was simple yet outstanding, with golden eyeshadow and lipstick, and a thin layer of mascara. In terms of the Capitol, she looked pretty normal. Her almost see-through silver wings had been painted a light golden colour that was still reasonably see-through, and she was laughing and talking with a few of the important Capitol citizens. As Head Gamemaker and a sponsor, she had to keep up her appearance.

Next was Chrystalline Sapphire, who had her red-gold curls in a high ponytail with a sapphire blue headband that matched her dress. She was wearing a one-shouldered blue dress, a few shades lighter than her eyes, that fell to just above her knees. She was wearing some black flats with blue bows, and was decked out in blue and black jewellery. She looked very elegant, and was paying attention to what Niamh was talking animatedly about.

Then there was Leila Toxic Faye, a faerie who was more of a mutt than the Capitol might like. Ever since she had started to hang around the werewolves, she had had a tendency to be slightly more... Wolfish. Her waist-length pink hair had been put into a braid that fell to a little above her waist, and her ivory dress hung to the floor like something out of an old-school vampire movie. She looked extremely regal, almost as if she was a queen. She was sitting by herself, absentmindedly admiring her perfectly manicured nails as she ignored everyone around her.

The last sponsor was Belema Moire, who was wearing a bright yellow dress that hung on her body in dazzling geometrical patterns. Kira was pretty sure that the whole thing was made up of geometry and science, which was just a show of how artistic Belema was. Her high heels were ridiculously high, but she didn't totter around in them like many others did. She walked gracefully and regally, seeming like she was better than everyone else even though her personality was the total opposite of a snobby bitch. Despite having a sweet personality, Belema was one of the harshest critics you could find anywhere.

Kira glanced at the diamond watch on her wrist, and sighed as she realised that she had to be onstage now, and with her dumb new assistant. She looked around the room for the awkward young boy who had a bad habit of stuttering whenever he got nervous. Finally, she spotted the boy, Geoffrey, and waved him over when he noticed her looking at him. His medium brown hair had been slicked back, he was wearing a white suit and his jade green eyes were darting worriedly around the room.

"Yes Kira?" Geoffrey asked nervously, staring at her cautiously.

"The interviews are starting soon. You are not to speak, you are to listen to me and learn from what I do. Observe and remember." Kira snapped, before ruffling her silvery-white dress and striding gracefully onto the stage. Her trademark grin slipped onto her face as she relished the simple joy of being in the spotlight with thousands upon thousands of people cheering for her. Kira knew that she never wanted to give up her job, and maybe that was the reason that she was so harsh on Geoffrey. Maybe she just didn't want to feel even the least bit threated, although she knew that Geoffrey wouldn't be any competition for another few years, at least.


Welcome to the interviews! Hope you liked the intro... Anyways, I thought I'd give you a quick insight on the personalities. Kira Kirk is reasonably happy when you first meet her, but if you annoy her, she'll just get more and more pissed off. Once she's angry, she'll stay that way for a long time. Plus, her best friend is the Niamh Silver, and she can easily make your life living hell in the arena. Do your best NOT to piss her off. She has a soft spot for faeries, with Niamh being her bestie and all, so she generally won't get AS pissed off with faeries. Geoffrey, on the other hand, is your typical awkward teenager. He hasn't altered himself at all, and will get really nervous around any pretty girl, or intimidating guy. But be nice to him; despite disliking him, Kira is required to listen to his opinion, and he could help kill you.

I'd like for an accident to happen in your interviews. Doesn't have to be serious, preferably embarassing and funny, but it's up to you. Most creative accident will get 5 points, like with the last bonus points. The sponsors and myself will be deciding who's accident was the funniest / best, so make sure to be unique and entertaining! (SPONSORS CANNOT SAY THAT THEIR OWN TRIBUTE HAD THE BEST ACCIDENT). Now, for the questions that MUST BE ANSWERED.

How are you liking the Capitol?
What do you miss most from back home?
Who stands out the most this year?
Are they your biggest threat? If not, then who is?
Who do you think is the weakest tribute?
Why do you deserve to win?
Which tribute(s) do you think are good-looking?
Is there any particular target you will have once the Games begin?
What sort of arena are you hoping for?
What is your biggest weakness?

Extra questions mean extra points, so go all out! If you think I should add a question or get rid of one, feel free to let me know :) THIS IS DUE ON THE 10TH OF APRIL AT 8:30PM, EASTERN AUSTRALIA TIME. ONLY EXTENSIONS FOR THOSE WHO ASK EARLIER THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE THE DUE DATE, AND WHO HAVE A VALID REASON. If you do not want to continue these Games, please let me know. Same with questions, comment or PM me!

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