Faerie M#2 - Rolf Basham

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Name: Rolf Basham

Pronunciation (If Required): Like wolf, but with a 'r' instead of a 'w'.

Age: 16

Tribute Number: Ahahahah I don't know, I didn't directly reserve this spot on the tribute reservations.

Species: Faerie

Species Powers (warlocks elements, faeries wing colour, werewolves fur colour, vampires extra special skill): His wings are a transparent silver, which slowly fade to a dark red, almost maroon, at the center.

Gender: Male

Appearance (Include A Picture): Long, straight with just a hint of wave blonde hair, fair skin, and piercings he got when he was disguised as a human. His hazel eyes are a bit small for his thin face, but his long, dark eyelashes make up for the contrast.

Personality: He is as sly and cunning as a fox at first sight, but once you get to know him more, his personality is truly quite complex. Although he can easily stand the sight of someone else's blood, even just a simple vision of his is enough to make his stomach queasy. Therefore he is extremely cautious around anything he seems mildly dangerous, and is a pacifist. Mostly. Though he prefers to persuade through words, he is willing to take physical action if things go astray from his plans. Sometimes he may come off as slightly controlling, but Rolf simply wants things to go according to plan, and to be perfect without a single flaw. Of course, this usually doesn't happen. That's why Rolf is constantly stressed and 'high strung'. Because of his lack of trust of other people, he usually takes a while to warm up to someone.

Arch Enemy (Out Of The Four Species): None, specifically, but he does have a slight distaste of his own kind.

Alliance: Magnus, and anyone else who joins.

Weapon Of Choice: Steel knuckles, preferably spiked.

Strengths (2+): Can fly, easily manipulates others, cunning, he is easily willing to kill to protect others.

Weaknesses (2+): He cannot tell a lie, he has a crippling fear of seeing his own blood, developed from his troubled childhood.

Backstory: Rolf, himself, grew up in a special way compared to other faeries. When he was a child, his family abandoned the faerie life to serve vampires. Rolf prefers to think it was because of blackmail, instead of the terrifying reality that it was choice. Even though serving vampires surrounded the Basham's with luxury and riches, making a single mistake, no matter how minute, could cost you your life. Every night he, along with another servant, was forced to drag a screaming, tortured victim to his Mistress' chambers, and watch with a stony gaze as She sunk Her pearl white fangs into their neck, slowly drinking up their blood as their life faded. With every night of these events, Rolf fell asleep with a troubled heart, worried mind, and guilty conscience. He constantly stressed himself about completing every task he was given perfectly, lest he be his masters next victim. Once he did, however, mess up, on a particular day She was quite angry. Rolf had accidentally stumbled whilst approaching Her with a dainty teacup filled to the brim with sloshy crimson blood, causing a small trickle of the froth to spill over the edges. The drips left a bright red stain, stark against the perfectly white carpets of the room. She had jumped quickly up in rage, teeth bared. After enduring Her rages, She promised to teach him a lesson. Weeks passed from this, Rolf completely terrified out of his wits, walking on eggshells from dawn until dusk. As soon as he finally let his guard down, She struck. Each morning, about two hours or so before dawn, She would drag him out of bed by his long blonde hair, Her nails scratching his scalp as She pulled him down the corridor into a secluded room. There, She would perform all sorts of tortures; Knives would be dragged down his restrained arms and legs, until a thick pool of blood surrounded them; She would feed from him until he felt he could barely keep his eyes open; sometimes, She would force visions into his brain, making him watch terrible scenarios and scenes of blood, horror. She preferred watching him watch his whole family being murdered. Of course, it was all fake. She had the power of illusion, being a vampire, and could force other beings to see things that weren't there. One day, Rolf snapped. As She was feeding on a victim, Rolf unsheathed a stolen kitchen knife, slowly advancing on Her. As She was so focused on Her prey, he was easily able to kill Her. He ran away, and since has been terribly afraid of being hurt.

Tribute Owner: GeneticallyUnpure

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