Task 3 - Training

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Sorry for the wait! Haha it seems I apologise a lot... Makes sense because I procrastinate a lot. Anyway, here's task three. As usual, tell me if I miss something, or if a specific idea doesn't make sense. Thanksssss!


There was a harsh rap on the door, before a hesitant female voice called in to the Head Gamemaker, who was working at her desk.

"Miss Silver, may I come in? I have some urgent matters to speak to you about." the voice questioned. Niamh grunted her consent, and the metal door slowly opened to reveal one of the youngest Gamemakers in the history of the Hunger Games. Dolly Stone was only 13 years of age, and had one of the most brilliant, most twisted minds in the whole country. Despite being from the Capitol, she looked more like she could belong in a horror movie. Dolly was a vampire, but had been surgically altered so that she looked like a human China doll. Porcelain skin, huge dark eyes, rigid black hair and very defined features.

"What's the problem Dolly?" Niamh sighed, looking up from the mountain of paperwork in front of her. She wasn't usually a grumpy person, but mountains of paperwork seemed to bring out the worst in a person. Niamh's joking personality had decided to go for a holiday, and had left a strict workaholic in its place.

"Well, uh, you see Miss..." Dolly stuttered, avoiding the searing glare of her superior.

"Hurry up Dolly and spit it out. I don't have all night - I have to send in the finishing touches for the arena so that the workers can change a few things." Niamh growled. Dolly raised her head to look Niamh in the eyes, and Niamh saw the utter terror in there.

"It's the arena, Miss. A few of the workers tried to rebel, and managed to blow the inside of it to smithereens. There's nothing left, except the force field of course." Dolly said quickly, almost too quickly for Niamh to comprehend.

"Shit," Niamh sighed, rubbing her smooth forehead to erase the wrinkles that seemed to miraculously pop up whenever she got stressed. She'd need to go see one of her warlock friends to make her look young again - she wasn't ready to lose her beauty to the hard work of running the Hunger Games. "Not again. They tried to do this last year. We really need to do a thorough background check on each new worker and keep a closer eye on them. Actually, what we really need to do it find the ring leader - the one organising all these attacks."

"Miss, what are we going to do? Sorry, I mean; what would you like me to tell the builder in charge?" Dolly asked nervously.

"Well, we've already almost finished building the arena for next year, so they can just finish that one off and the tributes can participate in that arena. When they're finished, they can rebuild the old one for next year. Tell the builders to not bother with the old arena for the moment, tell them to finish off the other arena. Until the new arena is ready, keep the tributes training for a few extra days. The tributes are going to have a whole lot of new experiences once the Games begin."


Like the intro? Yes, there are rebel groups that are moving against the democracy of the Capitol, mostly in the Warlock section (where security is too harsh and public whippings happen multiple times a week) and the Werewolf section (where there isn't nearly enough security and they can see how messed up the Capitol is). The faeries and vampires have the perfect amount of discipline, and find the Hunger Games to be reasonably humane, considering how long this empire has lasted. Anyways, enough with the political update XD on to the third task!

This task is going to be a little different from usual. Firstly, you're going to split your entry into four parts because it's going to span over four days. The first day will focus on stamina, the second day will focus on strength, the third day will focus on how the Hunger Games will work once you're in the arena, and the fourth day will focus on weapon skills. I've decided that I will score each part of this task SEPARATELY. But the scores will only be out of SIX for each part. For this task, it doesn't matter how many parts you hand in - you'll be scored on each one separately. If you did an EXCELLENT job on your entry, even if you only handed in half of the task, you'll still be scored. [let me know if you have any questions! I know I'm confusing] Detailed explanations for each day:

Day 1: your tribute is to start off the day by running five laps around an indoor field and then doing some agility tests (your choice), and then the rest is completely up to you. The only thing is that everything your tribute does has to relate to STAMINA. Make your entry interesting, make it unique. There are no boundaries, so try and surprise me. I want your tribute to witness a fight between two others - DO NOT GET INVOLVED. It doesn't matter how petty the fight is, just make sure to explain how your tribute reacts to the best of your ability.

Day 2: your tribute will start the day by lifting weights. All the stamina equipment from the day before has been replaced with strength exercises. Once again, detail your entry and make me laugh (I like laughing, and whoever makes me laugh the most will probably earn the most points haha). For this part of your entry, I want a piece of equipment to malfunction. Doesn't matter what happens - it could just be an electronic machine sparking, or it could be the weights rack falling over and crushing a trainer. Just... Make something go wrong with the equipment, and try not to do the same as anyone else (unique ideas = more points)

Day 3: your tribute will start off in a massive room, standing on a pedestal. You're in a grassy meadow, and the golden cornucopia is glinting about one hundred metres away. You'll hear a BEEP, and that means that you have 60 seconds before the cannon goes off. This is to test your reaction time, because in the games you won't have any idea how long the minute is. [a trainer briefs you beforehand - NO HARMING OTHER TRIBUTES] after the simulator, it's completely up to you. Make sure it relates to something that might help you in the Games, and keep it interesting!

Day 4: your tribute will start off by sparring with your chosen weapon with a trainer. Then you'll move on to 4 other weapon stations, you pick, and learn about those specific weapons. As morbid as this is going to sound, I want you to see a tribute die. Doesn't matter which one because it won't actually affect anyone, but preferably one of the tributes that haven't handed in ANY of their tasks. You know, the ones that have been eliminated. Make their deaths interesting!

Sponsor Perks: none for this task, but they'll start again with the next task! (BLOODBATH WHOOOO)

Bonus Points: the tribute that has the most unique idea. This is going to be hard to judge for a couple of reasons. 1, there are so many chances for interesting ideas with the four separate parts of this task. 2, you're all amazing writers and I know that I'm going to have a super hard time picking the winner of the bonus points.

I know this is a super long task, and I've decided to give you exactly one month to write it. That's a part of the task per week, plenty of time. If anyone doesn't hand in or doesn't speak to me about an extension, I'll be super disappointed. Those of you who have only handed in one of the previous two tasks, if you fail to hand in this one, I'm going to erase ALL of your points. That's if you've handed in only ONE of the three tasks. Don't make me do that - I love all of your tributes.


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