Warlock M#1 - Magnus Bowee

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Name: Magnus Bowee

Age: 18 (but for how long has he been 18??)

Tribute Number: Male #1

Species: Warlock

Species Powers: Controls the element of water, as well as the other 'warlock-y' powers.

Gender: Male. Mostly.


His hair is a rich purple, tinged with black and blue, that falls just about to his eyebrows. His cat-like eyes are a sparkly gold color, and a slightly almond shaped. He usually wears black, as it is the most slimming color, or decks himself out in sparkles and neons, to make up for his short stature.

Personality: Magnus, being a warlock, is naturally sneaky, yet surprisingly charming, aside from the few rude remarks and snark he may give you on a bad day. He has had... critique... on his actions and relationships with other Downworlders, but he honestly does not mind. The more people who dislike him, the happier of a mood he is- unless it is someone whom he loves. He tends to fall in love far too easily, which is one downfall of immortality- you end up, one way or another, watching the ones you love most die. This has led him to be slightly cold to most people, because he is scared about becoming too attached, and being heartbroken once they die.

Arch Enemy: Once in a blue moon, pun obviously intended, he has a bit of a spat with a certain werewolf who will never leave him alone; this leaves him with a slight suspicion of all mutts, but he doesn't hate them. Only a small distaste of their presence.

Alliance: Anyone, really. Just be ready for me to start shipping them. Magnus is a shippable character.

Weapon of Choice: Water, and the ability to manipulate animals. Otherwise, possibly a katana or two.

Strengths: The water powers, and his impossibly good looks. Not really, but he is a very convincing person when he needs to be.

Weaknesses: He tends to be cold to people at first, so he may find it troubling to find an alliance; yet once he finds a person, he is very susceptible to ehm, fall in love, with them, so he could very possibly find himself heartbroken if an ally dies unexpectedly.

Backstory: Magnus sometimes forgets his beginnings; Its been such an amazingly long time, he simply cannot recall the first few hundred years after his birth. Mostly its a blur, but he can recall growing up and wandering through open market stalls, selling raw fruits, veggies, and meat right off the bone for a crude form of currency, probably some short of shell or block of wood. The time had flown by, and his mother has long since passed away; Magnus had also fallen in love several times, and watched them die in his arms. For a strange reason, he has always had a preference for vampires, rather than his own kind. They are much harder to kill, so more likely to stay with him and share their immortality together. However that plan has mostly never worked for him, and he either ends up dumped, widowed, or marooned without his love. This has led him to have a heart of stone, difficult to earn trust, but unbreakable once you get past his outer shell. He's also bi. Yep. Deal with it.

Tribute Owner: The wonderful @GeneticallyUnpure, biggest Mortal Instrument fan ever..!

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