Meet The Sponsors

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Sponsor #1
Name: Niamh Silver

Pronunciation (if required): Neve (the spelling of her name is the original, and is of Irish origin)

Age: 21

Species: Faerie

Appearance: Niamh has stunning, shining grey eyes that look like pure silver from most angles, and a pale complexion. She's really short, slender with minimal curves and has the most beautiful hair you could imagine. It's metallic silver, and hangs to her ankles in smooth waves. Usually, it's been curled to perfection or straightened and tied up, but no matter how she styles it, Niamh rocks her hairdo. Her slightly tilted, almond-shaped eyes perfectly suit her high cheekbones and, if you get close enough to see them, the silver freckles dotting across her nose will sparkle at you. It's said her voice is like the sound of music, slightly high pitched and melodious. Her laugh tinkles like a million little silver bells.

Personality: Above all, Niamh is extremely mischievious. She loves to play a prank on ANY unsuspecting victim, and always gets away with it by pulling the innocent act and blinking her pretty silver eyes. Niamh also loves causing pain, despite her innocent appearance, and her pranks are usually aimed to hurt, not make people laugh. Niamh is a devious faerie, but her biggest flaw is that she trusts too easily. It'll generally take a week, and usually a few good retractions to her pranks, to get into Niamh's good books. She reacts to the reactions of other people, and is often unsure in the social area. Because of her innocent appearance, she's never been back-stabbed or experienced the darker side of society, besides the Hunger Games, and still sometimes makes people think that she's a lot younger and more innocent than she actually is. As Head Gamemaker and a sponsor, Niamh does her best to impress, and is something of a perfectionist.

What They Look For In A Tribute: Skill, obviously; if you can't wield a weapon or kill someone, don't bother trying to be sponsored by Niamh. She loves it if a tribute has a great sense of style, and they need to be charismatic. Anyone that can make her laugh definitely puts you higher on Niamh's list. Do your best and make Niamh like you!

Favourite Species: Niamh's decision isn't influenced by the species; it's all looks that matter to her. The prettier the tribute, the better. It certainly helps if they'll put on a good show for her.

Backstory: Niamh grew up in the Capitol, adored by all those who met her. As per usual, she was brainwashed into enjoying the Games, but she took her enjoyment one step further. She began planning twists; began to envision future Hunger Games and dream up different torture methods. When a peacekeeper found her notes on ideas for the Games, he took them to the President, and Niamh was instantly put as Vice Head Gamemaker. She would've been the Head Gamemaker but, at only 17 years of age, many felt that she wasn't experienced enough. Over the years, Niamh has proved that her young age doesn't influence her creativity at all, in fact it nurtures it. She was promoted to Head Gamemaker at 18, and has kept the position for years.

Sponsor Owner: @ally_oshea_xoxo

Sponsor #2
Name: Chrystalline Sapphire

Age: 22

Species: Warlock

Appearance: Chrystalline's beautiful red-gold curls come out of a bottle, but nobody knows that. They also don't know her real haircolor is strawberry blonde. Her sapphire blue eyes resemble that of her ancestor, Penelope Sapphire. She is tall and willowy, with tanned skin and perfect teeth. She's beautiful and well aware of it, that's why she prefers to stick to her natural looks. But, in her opinion, strawberry blonde is very 'blah' compared to Niamh's metallic silver, so that's why she dyed her hair a coppery red-gold. That would be her only alteration.

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