Task 4 Entries

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Hello again! As usual, tasks will be posted in the order I received them, and I was super impressed with the amount of entries I received, and the quality! It was amazing! I'm super proud of you XD scores and Chopping Block will be posted within the week, not sure when haha. And I can guarantee that the next task will be posted soonish... Hope you enjoy it! As per usual, sorry for the delay XD

Cassiopeia Eterne
Today's the day. The day I'd have my last proper breakfast; my last proper interaction with my fellow Downworlders. And finally, the last day I would live a proper life. The Warlocks gathered in the dining table didn't utter a single word, and albeit they looked grim and downcast, everyone looked up when I walked and casted me a small, obviously half-hearted smile. Taraleigh patted the seat beside her, prompting, and I silently obliged.

The air around us was hollow and in dire need of a little conversation, but no one wanted to speak. The little clanking of utensils on plate was the only thing cutting through the silence, and gladly, no one seemed to care.

The sun, ironically, seemed to bounce off its rays a little too brightly, and I hated every single part of it. I kind of surprised myself a bit there, with the way I was handling the situation right now. But would you really point it out to someone like me? Who was supposed to join a Games where all but one should die? Because if you did, I'm certainly not afraid to swing my first punch.

Magnus pushed off his chair first, standing up to leave. I did notice him giving me a smile and a cheeky wink before leaving our Quarters, and I noted how I didn't return the smile back. Tegan, after all the commotion from the day before, stood slowly and walked in Magnus's wake, making sure to slam the door before fully leaving. It was a close call, but fortunately the Capitol doctors acted fast, and they managed to bring back Tegan's supposedly healthy body.

She mentioned how she didn't remember anything. I almost fainted then.

I stood up, too and gave a small wave at the Brytes, sighing as I mentally planned everything I wanted to do for this morning. Leaving our Quarters, I wandered about the empty hallway before me, my footsteps echoing around and making me shiver. I entered the elevator and decided on going to the training grounds - maybe a few more training would help distract me, seeing how my body shook a bit with anxiety and how my teeth chattered silently.

Weapons from the last training day were still sprawled about the dome. A few of us Tributes were here, and fewer pairs of eyes whipped to me as I walked in. Chloe, along with the bulky, good-looking Brazen brothers were at one side, sparring with each other. And although they were performing well, it was too easy to notice how their eyes looked dreamily in front of them, looking at something yet not thinking about it. The Games, probably.

Of course it was.

My hands ran down along the boxing gloves, and before I could think more clearly about my decision, I snatched one up and crouched inside a ring. A single red punching bag hung dangling from the low ceiling, and I took my time sliding in my hands inside each glove. I breathed out, before summoning all my strength and swinging. The punching bag didn't even move, making my punch look like it came from a kid. It's okay. I felt my eyes crinkling as I smiled. Elated, I swung a bit more, punch after punch hitting the bag loudly, and I noticed how I kind of improved. The bag was swinging, and I breathed out a happy sigh, even hopping as I took my gloves off.

"Hey kid."

I stopped and blinked. I turned around to see a familiar mop of pinkish-red hair, tied up in a high ponytail, a few loose strands framing her face. Chloe. She had one hand on her waist and an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Calm down a bit, will you," she said, even smiling a bit as she gave me a hand. Panting slightly, I took it gingerly, my sweaty hand almost slipping. Crouching low I slid off the ring and landed on the floor with Chloe. She tossed a bottle of water to me, and my hands shot up in the air to catch them. I blinked, before opening the lid and taking one, two gulps.

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