Task 6 - Out With The Old... In With The New

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"Dolly, the Capitol is getting bored. The disasters interested them for a moment, but now they're over. Think of something new, and make it snappy. I have an idea brewing, but I believe that your twisted mind could come up with something just as good, and much faster than it'll take me to finalise my plan." Niamh said, standing beside the glass wall that dominated the back of her office and staring down onto the city below it.

"Yes Miss Silver." Dolly said with a wicked grin, her red lips splitting her white face apart in a smile that looked almost psychopathic. Niamh waved a bored hand in dismissal, and Dolly bobbed her head, sending her straight black hair swinging, before ducking out of the room to plan something new. When the heavy door had closed behind her, Niamh allowed her plastic smile to slip off her face, and she took a few deep breaths. If the Capitol didn't like this new twist, then she wouldn't just lose her job.

Need to think of something... Need to think of something, Niamh thought, anxiously tapping her long nails on the mahogany desk. The comment about the idea she had brewing was false; Niamh had no idea how to keep these Games interesting. All the alliances had lost their bling; no one is particularly interested in them anymore. But if new alliances were formed, drama would be at an all-time high...

"That's it!" Niamh yelled. A few seconds later, Dolly came rushing into the room, excitement mixed with wariness crowding her features. She didn't need to speak; Niamh could tell that she was interested straight away. "Dolly, I've got it. We'll get rid of the old alliances and make new ones! Let's make this as interesting as possible..."


Congrats to Patrick Vaduvol for surviving votes! You're a very lucky tribute. Anyway, assuming you've read the dialogue above, I'll detail the task. You'll be put into new alliances (a hovercraft will appear above you and trap you in a beam of light. You'll be teleported to a secluded spot in one of the environments - which will be written in the 'new alliances' section). You'll be told by Niamh that you have to get along and not kill one another, and I want you to come up with a consequence for it. The alliances weren't chosen out of a hat; I felt like making things interesting so I picked the groups. This task is more about getting to know your new alliance, and I want to see how you handle being torn from your last allies. Please be as detailed as possible, and make your entries super interesting. After you've caught up with your allies and come to an agreement or whatever, you'll decide to travel to the Cornucopia. There, you will discover one of the other groups. You may attack them, or decide to run away, but some other tributes will die (mentioned in the 'kills' section).

Before I detail the alliances, just remember that there isn't an even number of tributes. The amount of tributes in each alliance may differ, but not by too much.
GROUP 1 - Patrick Vaduvol, Giselle Galestone, Chandler Samuels (Marshland)
GROUP 2 - Michael Beaumont, Taraleigh Bryte, Cyrus Brazen (Rainforest)
GROUP 3 - Lianelle Rota, Rolf Basham, Levi Rixton (Snowy Mountain OR Grasslands)
GROUP 4 - Cassiopeia Eterne, Theodore Bryte, Magnus Bowee (Forest)
GROUP 5 - Accalia Draven, Darren Kheelan, Messidina Perlyne (Desert)

You have to kill 3 other tributes. They can all die in your entry, or you can decide not to kill anyone in your entry and send me three ballot kills. Or you could send one ballot and kill two in your entry. Either way, 3 have to die. I'd like you to include a kill list at the bottom of your email, and I'll show you how I'd like it set out, to make things easier. Thanks everyone!
Entry Kills: 2 - Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark
Ballot Kills: 1 - Gale Hawthorne

The perks for sponsored tributes is that they get one extra kill, and they will be given a clue to the next task...

The bonus points for this round are...
+3 points for the best reaction to your new alliance.
+4 points for what I decide is the best entry.
+2 points for the best quote (2 tributes can win these points).

- Darren, Chandler and Cyrus: Failure to hand in this task will mean elimination. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that all of you have failed to hand in at least 2 tasks. You must hand in every task from this point on if you wish to remain in the Games.
- I've completely changed the Chopping Block. The tributes that will be picked to go onto the Chopping Block will come from the bottom of the rankings, so write well everyone!
- Super sorry for the delay. I have an excuse for the last two weeks (I was in NZ and the wifi was utterly terrible), but no excuse for the time before then. This horridly long delay won't happen again guys, I'm so sorry!
- This is kind of a bonus, but the tribute at the top of the ranks (which is currently Levi Rixton) will be allowed to confer with his alliance. They will be allowed to choose which section they want to travel to. However, they only get a choice from 2.

The deadline for this task will be on the 30th of October, Australian time. If you have trouble with time differences, either use our friend Google or just hand in early :) thanks everyone! If I've left anything important out, then you can let me know XD

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