Task 1 Entries

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Hey guys! I'm vaguely disappointed with the amount of entries I received. A lot of you handed in, but a lot of you didn't. I've decided to put all the entries in order of when you handed in, first to last. Scores will probably be posted soon, but I'm not overly sure exactly when. Sorry for the wait, I was just hoping that I would get a few more entries... I hope the next few tasks will be handed in on time, and from ALL of you. I've decided that I'll let whoever didn't hand in this task off the hook this once, but if they don't hand in next task, I'm going to assume that they don't want to participate in these Games anymore and I'm going to eliminate them. You've been warned. Now, for the entries!


Messidina Perlyne's Entry
"Messidina Perlyne," the stupid women pronounced every bit of my name wrong. I made a mental note to kill her, not just for putting me in for the whatever-number Hunger Games it was - but for purely being one of them Capitol idiots who said my name wrong. It really isn't that complicated. Messy-dinner (anyone get it) for my first name. Pearl-in for my last name. I would never understand how some people could be so stupid. Nevertheless - I had to be one of them so I could win and take the Games by storm.

So instead of casually walking to the stage with my head down and showing absolutely no emotion, I bounded up like it was the best thing in the world and acted like I won an Oscar. I even gave that idiotic b*tch a kiss on the cheek - don't worry, I would sanitize my mouth later.

To make it worse, I had to wait while the other names were called. I had to keep a huge smile that hurt my cheek muscles - well, I'm a vampire, so not really - but it was a pain to act so happy. Seven other vampires made their way up to stand next to me, all wearing different emotions. This is why I enjoyed having no family. No one to care about - no one to love you.

"And that concludes the Reaping for this year's Games. Give a round of applause to your tributes!!" the escort shouted excitedly, though after about 500 years - the Games get old - so we were given the crappiest applause in the world. Yes, thank you fellow vampires for at least having the decency to not be as stupid as this Capitol blondie - but that's not calling you smart.

I tried my best not to strangle the Peacekeeper who grabbed my arm and led me out - though I had to at least punch him before he let go.

"Don't we get a better train?" I asked sadly as I twirled my hair at a guy called Liam.

"Don't be silly, dear!" my escort acted as if I were stupid - at least I fooled the dumbest person here, "This is only temporary, you and your friends get on a much bigger one shortly."

Good because I didn't want to spend however long with my 'friends' or they would end up dead before anything had even started. So I put on a thinking face.

"What does temporary mean?" I asked. I heard the others groan - that's what I feel like when I'm with you! I'm surrounded by a group of bird-brains here! One of the girl's stared at me, as if she were trying to read my mind - lucky of have my shield up, otherwise I'd have to kill her first. We got on to a small train that wasn't really as flash as I had expected. It had two plain couches facing each other with a mahogany small table in the middle. I squealed like a child and jumped onto the velvet couch.

"I love the stuff!" I exclaimed, running my hands along the fabric - really, all I could feel with the terrible feeling of mice droppings on the seat, ugh! Patrick walked over with his hands in his pockets and plonked down next to me - I had to move my hand, that's how close he was.

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