Warlock F#2 - Taraleigh Bryte

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Name: Taraleigh Bryte

Pronounciation: Ta-ra-lay (not 'Lee')

Age: 18

Tribute Number: Warlock Female #2

Specie: Warlock

Special Power: She can control the element of Fire. As well as other powers that comes along with being a warlock.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Taraleigh looks more like a vampire than anything else. Her skin is ivory colored, pale yet glowing unlike the usual ghastly shade of the vampires. Her eyes are bright and brillant; as blue as the bright summer's day and could rival any ocean's depth. Her nose, button-shaped and a bit upturned, sits in the middle of her long, oval shaped face, perfectly balancing out her sharp cheekbones and thin, pink lips. Her long hair sharply contrasts against her pale complexion though. It's dark as the night, thick, wavy and ends below her rib-cage. She's thin and lanky - bearing the build of a twelve year old girl with her lack of curves. Her long legs resemble that of a giraffe's; thin and fragile-looking. She's incredibly tall though, at 5'10 and very beautiful.

Personality: Calculating, calm and composed; she's one who maintains her cool even under pressure. Taraleigh carries the silent strength needed for a leader, though her face is usually arranged into a mask of nonchalance, making her seem uncaring or indifferent. However, underneath that calm demeanor, is a volatile temper. She hides it well though. Taraleigh is a great actress, which means she's also a great liar. What Taraleigh says is often the opposite of what she's thinking; she could tell you she likes your idea but in her mind, she despises it. No trace of that despise would ever grace her features though - she's manipulative that way. Taraleigh is usually tense, guarded, but that only makes her reflexes stronger. She does things without a second thought, without feeling any kind of guilt or remorse, which make her seem more heartless than she is.

Arch Enemy: Werewolves. Not really an arch enemy, but she dislikes them and, occasionally, fears them.

Alliance: Taraleigh is picky, but she is open to an alliance with anyone. Even a werewolf.

Weapon Of Choice: Her element, fire and other warlock powers. If all else fails, though, she'd resort to acting.

Strengths: Taraleigh is a great, manipulative actress and liar. She knows how to act on her feet, think on her toes and make last minute decisions. Physically, she's fit. Her legs may look thin, but they're strong and long, making her a fast runner. She's agile and also very sneaky, even without the aid of her powers. Her powers are an asset as well; turning invisible will definitely prove to be useful in tough situations.

Weakness: Taraleigh acts out of instinct; while that might seem like a good thing at first, it would sometimes lead her to trouble. Nothing she can't out of though - not yet anyways. When her cool façade slips, even just a bit, you will see the harsh temper she possess. People would fear her, and sometimes they doubt her loyalty - and her sanity - when this happens.

Backstory: The only tragic thing that happened to Taraleigh was when she was ten, just starting to get a hold and control of her powers. She and her older brother, Terrence who was thirteen, were practicing under the light of the full moon. They thought that they were in a relatively safe place, but since werewolves get more out of control during a full moon, they were attacked. Terrence told her to go hide, which Taraleigh did, but not before she saw how the werewolves attacked her brother. They ripped him apart. Still, he continued fighting to save Taraleigh somehow. Taraleigh found a hiding spot and hid there, watching from afar, tears down her face. Terrence used too much of his powers and burst into flames, dying then and there. The werewolve have no recollection of what happened, obviously, but Taraleigh will forever carry that moment, scarred for life.

Tribute Owner: FabulouslyNerdy13 (pm me if you want an alliance)

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