Task 2 Entries

529 14 29

May I just say that I'm proud of you guys. Those of you competing have gotten your entries in on time, or you've let me know that they might be late and have received extensions. Thanks guys! Also, if I didn't get your entry and you have asked for an extension (and gotten one!) then please comment below. I don't have the time right now to go and check who has an extension, and who just didn't turn in. Thanks guys! I'll (hopefully!) be PMing you sometime soon to find out if you're still participating in the Games. Now, here are the entries! Once again, they're posted in the order people turned in. Scores will be posted tonight or tomorrow! Also, comment your tribute's name and how long the extension I gave you was. E.g. (Kat McCarthy, 48 hours)

Last thing, SPONSORS, there will be a note at the end of this chapter for you - READ IT!! It's important, and let's you know about what's going to happen with sponsoring tributes.


Caspian Brazen's POV

Caspian stood in the small styling room. His stylist was fixing his jackets sleeves before calling the

prep team over to him.

"What did I tell you, I don't want him to look like a very muscular female! I want him to look tough

and manly!" He was shouting at the prep team. They nodded feebly before scurrying to Caspian,

fixing his hair and tying white feathers to small twisted braids.

Caspian's twin brothers interview was going on at that moment. He was a good public speaker but

constantly goofed off, causing much laughter from the audience.

"He's definitely going to get sponsors, there's no doubt about it," Caspian muttered to nobody in


"Do not worry Caspian. You will most positively get sponsors too!" Evalin, one member of

Caspian's prep team, squeaked. Caspian cringed at her voice. Not noticed by Evalin though, she

was too busy fixing his collar.

Caspian ceased paying attention to his prep team and focused on the small television, now

focusing on Chloe Gjames.

Caspian was mesmerized by her. They way she moved stunned him. But there'd be no reason

liking her, or any other tribute, because they probably end up dead. As a matter of fact, Caspian

believed that he would end up dead too.

Chloe's interview had just finished and within seconds, Caspian's name was being called.

He left the room quietly and strode on stage, only to be deafened by the cheering of the crowd.

Caspian sat down opposite the interviewer, Kira. The chair seemed much too big for her, and

slightly small for him.

"Caspian Brazen! Lovely to be speaking to you!" She giggled. For a ten year old, she was very

mature, and posh. But you always get that from a Capitol citizen.

Caspian nodded slightly and let the tiniest of smiles leave his lips.

"So," Kira started. "I must know how you are enjoying the Capitol so far?" She asked.

Caspian cleared his throat, as if he were about to say a lot but didn't say much.

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