Introduction - Downworlders

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Welcome back! This year the Games are going to be very gruesome, very violent, so your tributes will have to be on their toes!

For further reference, my email is:

These Games won't be started for a little while because my first Games is still going, and I won't be starting it until they're over BUT some people wanted to reserve their tribute places, so I decided to post the first few chapters. You can take as long as you'd like to send me your tribute forms, there won't be a time limit to hand in your forms. Take your time.

Now, sorry to be a kill-joy, but time for the rules.
1. Maximum 2 tributes, and they can be any 2 you want, or that are free. Doesn't matter what gender you pick, or what district.

2. Anyone who doesn't complete a task and hand it in will be on the Chopping Block, and may be voted out
3. If you do not turn in two tasks, you will be eliminated UNLESS you have a valid reason, in which case I may or may not, depending on the reason, give you an extension of 2 days MAX

4. Please try not to swear. I don't mind if you star some letters (b*tch) but please keep swearing to a minimum.

5. If you do not turn a task in on time, you will be on the Warning List. If you do not turn in 2 tasks, you will get 4 death tolls added to your kill score. If you do not turn in 3 tasks, you will be immediately eliminated. No ifs, ands, or buts.

6. Since I am the creator of these Games, what I say goes. Anyone who argues will have death tolls added to their score, unless I actually made a mistake that puts them at a disadvantage or something, then feel free to argue XD

7. Stay original! Make sure all your tributes are completely your own and not copied from someone else, and make sure you detail all of your writing.

8. Please, please, PLEASE proof-read your work! I won't have time to edit everything when the Games actually start and it would be much easier if I could trust you guys to edit your own work :), so you'll get higher scores. I'll explain the scoring and deaths in the next chapter.

9. Be realistic. I've mentioned this in my Rant Book, and I personally hate when people make a Career seem easy to kill. Or anyone with any weapon skills, for that matter. Honestly, realistically, they would be waaaayyy more likely to kill you than for you to kill them. Read my chapter called Idiots in my Rant Book, and it's explained there.

10. Do your best to write longer parts rather than short ones. I'd prefer to have each one in between 500-1000 words but, if you really have to, you can do less. It's just more enjoyable when it's longer; more exciting stuff can happen.

11. Please email your tasks to me. Or kik them. I cannot copy from WattPad and the internet on my computer is stuffed, so it becomes a real pain having to rewrite everyone's tasks. I won't accept tasks commented or PMed but, if there is an absurd reason you don't have email, you can PM me for my kik account, and I'll give it to you.

12. If I find out you have been cheating in any way, you will be immediately eliminated. I have 0 tolerance for cheaters, as it is unfair to the other tributes who are doing the right thing.

I know that's a lot of rules, and I don't expect each and every one of you to follow all of them precisely, so I don't mind a few bends of the rules. Just nothing massive, and don't break the important rules. Also, I'm probably going to start the actual Games in a few weeks, when the Games I am currently in are over, and when my own Games (the first one) is finished. Sorry if that is an inconvenience BUT if you would like to secure a spot for your tribute, feel free to ask and I will reserve that spot for you.

And guys, if you are participating, please advertise this Games; the sooner more people reserve tributes, the sooner the Games will start. So far, a lot of places are still open, and if you have any friends who might be interested, please let them know about my Writer's Games. The more tributes, the sooner the Games begin!

Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour.

Thanks guys!

Also, Sponsors. I am going to publish a new chapter for the form you have to fill out, and everything else that you might need to know, along with the Tribute Form. Plus, I'll explain how bonus points, eliminations, voting and anything else all work. The next chapter will basically be a questions chapter, and the chapter after will be the tribute reservations.

Also, please remember that there will be no Districts, and that you'll have to comment what Supernatural Being, or Downworlder, you'd like to be out of the four I've selected on the next chapter. Or, if it's more convenient for you, you can PM or email me.

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