Task 5 Scores

101 7 7

I believe an apology and an explanation is in order, so I'd like to say sorry for taking FOREVER to post this chapter. I've been utterly focused on completing work for Macbeth (the book we're reading in English) and haven't been on Wattpad for more than a few seconds. Without further delay, here are the scores, rankings and bonus points! Also, from the NEXT task onwards, the tributes that go onto the chopping block will be selected from the bottom of the rankings, not from how many times they were killed.

Scores for this task:
Accalia - 8 (+3)
Michael - 8
Cassiopeia - 11
Rolf - 11.5 (+5)
Taraleigh - 11
Lianelle - 10.5
Levi - 11 (+4)
Theodore - 8
Magnus - 11
Giselle - 6
Messidina - 7.5
Chandler - 6

Total scores:
Accalia - 37.5
Michael - 29
Cassiopeia - 56
Rolf - 60.5
Taraleigh - 60.5
Lianelle - 53.5
Levi - 61.5
Theodore - 39.5
Magnus - 49.5
Giselle - 16
Messidina - 44.5
Chandler - 6
Darren - 31.5
Caspian - 20
Patrick - 18
Cyrus - 4

Current rankings:
1. Levi - 61.5
2. Taraleigh - 60.5
2. Rolf - 60.5
3. Cassiopeia - 56
4. Lianelle - 53.5
5. Magnus - 49.5
6. Messidina - 44.5
7. Theodore - 39.5
8. Accalia - 37.5
9. Darren - 31.5
10. Michael - 29
11. Caspian - 20
12. Patrick - 18
13. Giselle - 16
14. Chandler - 6
15. Cyrus - 4

Not too sure if I forgot anything, but I think that's all I needed to write up. I have no idea when the next task will be posted; I'm busy all weekend (no breaks, unless I wanted to stay up until like 2am) and I probably won't have time on Monday because I'm doing homework at a friends. I'd guess that the next task will be posted on Tuesday. Chopping block will be posted later tonight / tomorrow afternoon. The results should be posted on Tuesday as well, along with task 6. Stay tuned :)

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