Werewolf F#3 - Kristina Fáelán

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Name: Kristina Fáelán
Age: 16
Specimen: Wolf
Special power: Can transform into a dark chocolate pelted wolf with bright, sky blue eyes that illuminate in the dark.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Kristina has long, silky, dark brown hair, and light ivory skin tone. She has hazel eyes that are blue-green and vary on what color she wears. A smile is always worn on her face when spoken to or acknowledged in general, and she stands at 5'7 in height. Unlike most wolves, she doesn't have much upper body strength, and is quite slim like a toothpick. Not really intimidating in appearance, but don't underestimate her as weak.
Personality: Friends, or friendly acquaintances may call her 'Kris'. Kristina or 'Kris' has a quiet streak, not from shyness, but because she's different and she's aware of it. Kristina's sense of humor is dark, and maybe even along the lines of sadistic. Sometimes she can be brutally honest, and has no problem telling it exactly like it is. She always has something to say, even if she keeps it to herself, and she always has something to say about everyone, bad or good. She believes that everything is an eye for an eye, if you screw her over, she'll do it to you twice as bad, and if you respect her, she'll respect you. Despite these minor flaws, she is as loyal as a wolf can ever be, and she'll back you up even if she knows you're wrong. She can be wild and crazy if you befriend her, and she'll be protective of those she cares deeply about. Like most wolves, she's not afraid of being alone, and is overall independent, yet only leads herself, and herself only. Otherwise she prefers to follow like a lost puppy that she can be at times. Your wing girl, and maybe even your best friend.
Enemy: Faeries, they are demons!
Alliance: Herself, and anyone else except Faeries.
Weapon of choice: "Who said anything about needing weapons?"
Strengths: Despite no upper muscular strength, she makes up for it in speed, and agility. She has amazing stealth skills, and is small enough to fit into small spaces. Not to mention her kicks can really do some damage.
Weaknesses: Poor social skills, no muscular strength, and rather jumps at her own shadow, very easily startled.
Background: Born and raised in a small town to a small pack of wolves, with 4 brothers and 2 sisters. She is the third oldest, and was never really a natural leader like her siblings. She spent most of her time hunting, or messing around, but otherwise she lived a simple life up until now. At many times, Kristina didn't really feel like she fit in the family, but she simply loves the fact that she's the black sheep. Her family was built entirely of natural born leaders, but she prefers to stay in the background, and she couldn't really be any happier with her lifestyle.
Tribute owner: AverageEverydayHero

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