Vampire F#4 - Glorrianna Gallow (GG)

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Name: Glorrianna Gallow (nickname is GG)

Pronunciation: Glore-re-anna

Age: She was 19 when she was turned. That was 300 years ago, so 319 years old.

Tribute Number: #4

Species: Do you not see the fangs? Vampire duh.

Species Powers: She can read minds and control them. So she knows if you are thinking crap about her.

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has at least 23 tattoos. Her lips are blood red so when she feeds it is not that obvious. Her hair is black like the night. Her skin is as white as the moon. She is tall standing at 5'8" and weighs 125 pounds (when she was alive she did). Her eyes are blue. Blue like the Caribbean sea.

Personality: She is good at manipulating people. She sweet talks to get what she wants. If she does not well she will force it out of you. But to the people who are closest to her its a whole different story. She is really a nice person and cares for people. She is rebellious and care free. Loves to laugh and is said to have the most amazing laugh. She is funny and bubbly but remember that side is only to the ones that are really close to her.

Arch Enemy: Stupid mutts...

Alliance: Any other vampire, maybe a fairy, and maybe a warlock. Never in a million years would she work with a werewolf, well unless she can control his mind. She prefers to work with men more than women but will make exceptions.

Weapon Of Choice: She does have her fabulous fangs and well manicured claws. But she also likes to work with knifes and daggers. It makes everything more close and personal.


Strength: She is amazingly strong like most vampires
Fast: She is a vampire after all
Stealth: Good for hunting pray
Agile: Good with fights
Fighting: She has been trained in hand to hand combat is very good at her punches.


Light: She will burn up when in the sun for longer than 20 minutes
Pierced: Can die if someone stabs her in the heart or brain.
Water: When she was alive she almost drowned in water and is not that strong of a swimmer.

Backstory: She was born in Salem during the witch trials. She watched as her mother and sisters were found guilty all because they were not close to the group of people in Salem as she was at the age of eight. From that day forward she never trusted any one except for the few friends she had. She was only ten years old when her father was killed by a witch. She had no family after that and lived with a friend. She was always careful about people she met and was always on guard. Growing up for her was hard with out having a motherly or fatherly figure to look up too. That changed when she met a young man name Joseph. He was new to Salem and was very handsome. All the girls fell for him but the only girl that stole his heart was Glorrianna. They would spend every day and night with each other. After being together for 2 years, on her 19th birthday he vanished. Only coming back a few months later different. Not in a good way. When him and Glorrianna were finally alone he bit her. And changed her into a Vampire. For the next 210 years of their life was perfect. Always together. Always hunting together. But then they were found. Glorrianna survived the surprise attack the people of Sacramento created. Joseph was not so lucky. She has not forgotten that day. Never will....

Tribute Owner: Venus_Morgenstern

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