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Camila's POV

The next day I was finally feeling better when I woke up. I didn't have that weird feeling in my chest and I was actually hungry. I sat up in bed and saw the sun shining outside, which gave me even more motivation. I looked over and saw that Shawn was still sleeping. I kissed his naked chest before reaching over and grabbing my quotes book. it has some quotes, poems but also small polaroid cards with motivation quotes on it. Today I was feeling like needing one of it. I took the book, pulled Shawns shirt over and grabbed my white fluffy blanket, sitting in front of the window, reading in my quotes book. I came across a small polaroid card and pulled it out. It descried what I needed today, reassurance.... that it was okay to collapse... to crumble because we are human beings but that won't shrink me, it will only make me stronger. I snaped a quick picture of it and posted it on instagram with a short caption, telling people that it is what I need at the moment. Then I just leaned against the wall and continued reading.

Cold hands pulled me out of my thoughts, making me flinch and turn around. "Good morning baby." Shawn greeted me, kissing my lips. "Sorry for scaring you." He apologized, sitting down next to me. "It's okay. Did you sleep well babe?" I asked, pulling him down and he sat down behind me so I could sit between his legs and lean against his chest. "I did, but I did way better when you were laying next to me." He said smiling, leaning his head on my shoulder so he could see what I was doing. "I am finally feeling better." I smiled, still going through the book. "Thats amazing." He smiled, kissing my shoulder. "Are you hungry?" HE then asked. "I am." I said, looking at him to see his face break out into an adorable and relieved smiler. "Then come, lets eat breakfast." He pulled me up, grabbing some sweats and a fresh shirt since I was wearing his. I put on some shorts and then we walked into the kitchen.

"Morning mama." I greeted my mama when we entered the kitchen hand in hand. "Morning mija and Shawn. Did you too sleep well? Camila ,cómo te sientes?" "Mejior finalmente..."(How are you feeling? - Better, finally) I smiled at her, grabbing two bowls out of the drawer to give Shawn one. "Thats good mija... you had us all worried..." "I'm sorry... but Shawn helped me a lot..." "I know... thank you Shawn..." Mama looked at him with a small smile. "Don't give me all the credit, Mila did it all by herself... she is strong." He said smiling, kissing my temple, making me close my eyes at the soft gesture. My mama just stood there watching our small interaction, smiling, before leaving and letting us eat together. "Fruit bowl?" Shawn asked. He tried to get me to eat healthier, which was working while he was here with me. I nodded, taking our fruit bowl and putting some apples, pears and of course bananas in front of him. With a smile he started cutting the fruits while I helped.

After breakfast we got dressed and since it was such nice weather but still slightly cold, we decided on going on another walk around the neighborhood. I put on some ripped grey sweats and a dark grey shirt and put my hair in a very loos braid which you could only see from behind, also pulling on some sunglasses. Shawn put on a black tank top and his black nike shorts. "Please..." I said with puppy eyes, holding the hairband up to his face. I love when his curly hair has the hairband in... it looks amazing... and I live seeing his face.... at home I prefer it open though. I let out a giggle, grabbing it and putting it in. "Amazing." I smiled, getting on my tippy toes to kiss his. "Ready?" "Ready." I said before I poured a cup of tea for myself and a cup of coffee for Shawn and leaving after telling mama.

"You know... walking with you really calms me and makes me... lighter." I admitted, looking up at him. "It makes me really happy walking with you too... and being with you in general baby." He smiled. "And you help me feel so much better... these last days have been hard but you didn't leave my side for once... you were there... alway." "Where else would I be? Theres no where else I would rather be than with you. I love being here with you and like I already said before, I love being there for you... because you're also there for me. And I appreciate that. I appreciate that I can be myself around you... happy me, exited me, anxious me and most important, sad and vulnerable me. I never had that connection with anyone. I never felt safe expressing my feeling to anyone... with you it just feels... natural. And I appreciate that. I love you." That speech made tear up so when he was done telling me that, I wiped away a tear. "I just...aw Shawn..." He noticed and stopped walking, making me stop as well. "Come here..." He smiled, pulling me into a quick hug and kissing me. I knew he made it quick because we couldn't be sure if there were paparazzis around. He took my hand again and smiling we walked back toward our house.

"We're back and going upstairs!" I shouted as soon as we entered the house. I quickly put the empty cups in the dish washer before following Shawn upstairs. "Come here..." He mumbled softly when I closed the door behind me. He was laying on our bed bed, his shirt off and arms open, waiting for me. I smiled, pulling off my sweats and throwing them onto the floor, walking over to him and laying down next to him. "I missed you..." He mumbled when he pulled me into his side. "But I've been here..." "No... I mean, I missed you like... this." He now whispered, his hand sliding down to my thigh. Ohh... I understand. "Oh, but so did i..." I mumbled, before sitting up and straddling him while he laid with his back on the mattress.


It was about to get hot... or will it in the next chapter?

Oh my goddddd! Homeschooling is stressig me out! Teachers give us so much more work than they would of we were actually in schon 😩 I barely can write chapters but I have so many ideas so i just randomly sit on my Laptop at 3 am writing, lol

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