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Camila's POV

Two days had passed of me having to constantly throw up and having stomach aches. Today, I was finally feeling better. I did not have to throw up the whole night and only had a little bit of stomach pains. And I was glad. Shawn was downstairs eating breakfast. I was still not up to it and besides, it was still pretty early. Only 8 am. So I stayed in bed for a bit more, checking my phone. I opened Instagram, seeing some... bad things so I decided to close it right away , groaning and closing my eyes. Why? Why is it always this way? I decided to drop the idea of opening any social medias and put on a Disney movie on my TV. I decided to watch 'Sleeping Beauty', a calm and pretty movie. I wasn't really... in a good mood just because of the things I had just seen on my instagram and my twitter mentions so I had my arms crossing in front of my body and huffed, while sitting against the wall with my back to watch the movie by myself. Half way through the movie, I heard noises from outside. I paused the movie, stood up and opened my blinds a bit to look outside. There were Shawn and my dad, readjusting the basketball basket. The were laughing and talking and having fun together. I love how they all get along. It makes me happy. Smiling slightly, I sat back down on the bed, pulling the blankets over my body and continuing the movie. I was still kinda down but I just focused on the movie and not on the things I had seen online.

"Baby?" I flinched slightly by hearing his voice after being so in my thoughts. "Yeah?" "Did you eat something?" I shook my head, looking at his slightly sweaty body and red shoulders. "Babe, you're gonna get sunburned... look at you shoulders and your cheeks." I said worried, pushing him down next to me. "It's alright, I already put some aloe vera your mom gave me on the parts. But you're gonna be hungry if you don't eat now." he said, changing the subject. "Come." I nodded, going downstairs with him to eat breakfast. After that we walked back upstairs. Shawn took a quick shower while I got dressed. I decided to dress up for nothing since I was finally feeling better so I pulled out a nice checkered skirt which from behind was a shorts and a slightly cropped shirt with a white dragon on it. I also put on some black tights and black, knee high socks. My hair luckily was kinda straight from having it in a bun so I let it fall loosely down my back and put my bangs down neatly. I took two hair clips and put them on each side of my hair, pushing back a bit of the hair falling into my face. I even put on some makeup and eyeliner, which I hadn't done in a month and I was glad I was still able to do it. "Woah! You look hot baby." Shawn said, placing his slightly wet hands on my hips when he came out of the shower. "Thanks." I smiled, turning around and kissing his lips. "So do you." I smiled, my hands sliding down his hard abs and back to his back muscles. I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his chest, before letting him get dressed. 

"So you feel better?" "I do, finally." I smiled. We were walking outside in our backyard, getting some fresh air. "I saw you and my dad earlier by the basketball basket." "yeah, we were putting it on another place so it would be easier for us to leave with the cars and better to play." he explained, still holding my hand. I just smiled, enjoying the time I was spending with him. When we walked around the corner, my dad was playing basketball, making me smile. "Papa!" I shouted, wanting him to throw the ball at me. He threw it at me and we played for a few minutes before Shawn decided to make an Instagram story. "Mila! Come here! Show your outfit, you look ho- very pretty today." he said, quickly correcting himself when he noticed my dad was looking. I giggled, walking over to him and explaining that I had dressed up for nothing. I then played a bit with my dad while Shawn filmed us and laughed at me. I played a bit more with my dad while I let Shawn manage my instagram stories until I was exhausted and a little sweaty. "Thanks papa but I'm exhausted." I said, throwing the ball back to him and walking over to Shawn who was sitting on the floor, watching us. "Come babe." I stretched out my hand for him and pushed him up with me. "Where to?" "hm.. our backyard?" He nodded, intertwined our fingers and walked to my favorite place, the stone bench. He sat down, pulling me into his lap as we just enjoyed the sunny Miami weather together, his chin on my shoulder. "I love you." he whispered. "I love you too" I said, my eyes closed as he caressed my hands which were laying on my lap. 

"Camila! Shawn! Late lunch!" my mama shouted. "Come baby." He said, standing up with me on his lap. "I'm not hungry... " I whined while standing in front of him. "Baby, you need to eat... what else do you want to do?" he asked, looking down at me. "Hmm... I'll eat later... I want to cuddle..." I said, suddenly feeling really tired. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked, worried by my sudden mood change. "I'm just tired..." I said again, smiling slightly up at him. "Okay.." he chuckled softly, taking my hand and walking inside. "Go upstairs baby, I'm coming in a few, okay?" I nodded and walked into our room, changing my clothes. Well, not exactly changing but taking them off, leaving me in only my underwear. I walked over to Shawns part of the closet and pulled out one of his shirts, pulling it over and throwing off my bra. It's just a lot more comfortable and cuddly. I cuddled into my blankets, pulling them up to my chin and rested my head on my fluffy pillows, waiting for Shawn. I put on a random show so the room wouldn't be completely quiet and I wouldn't be bored. And a few minutes later her opened the door softly and peeked inside with food in his hands. "I know you said you weren't hungry but still... I brought some toast if you get hungry... I mean, it's still only 5 pm baby." he smiled, walking over to my, placing the things down next to the bed and settled in with me. I just smiled and let him pull me into his body. "Oh, you look really cute in that outfit." he smiled when he put the blanket aside so he could get in with me.  It exposed my body which was covered in panties and his huge shirt. "Come here, I love you" He smiled, placing his hands on my hips so I could get even closer. "You still have your make up on." he said, looking down at my face. "I know.." I said tiredly. "Want me to take it off?" "Hmmm..." I said, my eyes almost closing as I continued watching the show that I had put on my TV. "Alright." he said, softly pulling out from under me and standing up. "Nooo...." I whined at the loss of warmth. "I'll be right back baby..." he chuckled, walking into our bathroom. A minute later he came back with my hairbrush and some make up wipes. I was almost asleep but when he sat down next to me, I sat up too. "Come here. I'll do it baby." He started wiping off my make up, being careful with my eyes. He then gently took out the hair clips and started combing my hair. As if this wasn't soothing enough, he put the hairbrush aside, pulled me back into his lap and ran his fingers through my straight hair. And that was all it took for me to fall asleep in his arms.


This is kinda cute though. 

Oh god... school starts again for me tomorrow... and my anxiety is through the roof! I am so scared, help me...

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