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Camila's POV

It was still tense between Shawn and I. We didnt talk on the way back home nor did we hold hands. Shawn just followed thunder back home and so did I. When we entered the living room my parents were siting, throwing Shawn a questioning look, to which he shook his head. Probably if we had already talked... which I was dreading. I just followed Shawn after freeing Thunder so he could walk around the house.

"Mila, i am not mad at you... even though it seemed like it while we were outside... I was just annoyed at the paparazzis. But I swear I am not mad because of you.." He spoke softly, grabbing both my hands. We were sitting on the bed, face to face. "I love you so much Mila..." I couldnt look at him, I was still feeling ashamed and guilty... "Baby... look at me. I love you with all my heart... if you think something like this will break us apart... oh baby, you are very wrong." he squeezed my hands to show that he really meant what he was saying. "Please talk to me. I want to know that you're okay..." "I-I...." Before I could even start to talk, tears sprung to my eyes. "No baby... I dont want you to cry because of this... I dont like seeing you cry. Come, let's lay down..." He pulled the sheets aside and I nodded. Maybe that would be best... I took off my pants because they were too uncomfortable to lay in bed and he did the same, only laying down in boxers so he could pull me into him, our chest pressed together. He then intertwined our fingers before he talked again. "Baby... please. I want you to know that you should be able to talk to me about everything.... This relationship is not going to end because of anything like this." He then kissed my forehead and that gave me the courage I needed. "I... I was feeling so incredibly low..." I admitted, looking at our intertwined hands between our chests. "It was pretty early... I couldnt sleep anymore.... a few weeks ago." I said, retelling the story of how I first got to that... stupid, dumb idea. "I checked the comments since pictures of us from our walk had been leaked." "No... " He only said pouting and kissing my head again. "I read... not really mean comments but... people were saying that... things like... I have a huge ass.... and my curves... my belly... everything... it just made me feel incredibly insecure... and since it wasn't my first time reading things like that, I took them to heart.""Mila... when I tell you I like everything about you, I mean everything... but I dont mainly like you for your ass.... or your curves. Of course I obviously love your body but what truly matters to me is the way your mind works... how you love people.... your passion... all those things." He placed his hands on my lower back, bringing me in contact with his bare body."I love you so incredibly much... and suspecting you doing this slowly broke my heart....it broke Sofi's heart... and it is breaking your parents heart." He told me. "But what I need you to tell me is that you are going to be okay.... you need to believe in yourself... that you are going to overcome this... with my help, with our help. Tell me you will Mila..." He begged. "I will overcome this Shawn. I promise...." I said, trying to convince myself. I know it is not easy.... it had been going on for a few weeks now... but I believe that with Shawns help I can do anything. "I believe so too Baby..." He whispered, his head coming closer so he could peck my lips. "Thank you..." I said quietly. "For what?" "For loving me... I cant stress it enough.... thank you for just being there for me." "You get what you give baby... Thats why I love you... you do the exact same for me." I snuggled closer to him, feeling a lot safer than at the beginning of the day.

"I am scared of having to talk to my parents..." I said after just laying in bed for a little why he held be against him. "Dont worry about it yet baby... Things will go back to normal soon... if you promise to get better... We have time... enough time for you to recover." He kissed me again, comforting me. "Do you maybe feel like... eating something? Something small... just to fill your stomach a little." he carefully suggested. I know I should eat.. I need to get better. "Yeah... something... light..." I mumbled. "Sure. Do you feel like eating with your family-" "Please no.... I- I'm not sure how...." "It's alright... I'll just get something done for us. Is that okay?" I nodded against him. When he was abut to get up and make food, I stopped him though. "Please... a little longer." I begged. I do not want him to leave me just now. He laughed quietly and held me tighter, pressing me into his body. "I'm glad we are.... okay again..." I smiled lightly. I was still scared that he was... mad... so I made sure to hold him tightly. I immediately got back into my head... thoughts flooding it. Do you deserve him? Do you deserve everything he does for you? Are you really enough for him? Does he love you as much as he says? Do YOU love him? Are you enough for him? And right, here in his arms I actually had an answer... surprisingly.... a positive one... Yes. I only needed to believe it now... and show it to him by getting better.


I hope she gets the peace she deserves now.

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