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Camila's POV

"Good morning baby" I head Shawns soft voice waking me up. I mumbled tiredly, rolling over so I could look at him. "Hey..." I mumbled into his bare chest. He stroked my hair, holding me closer before pulling back. "Come on... it's a nice day and I saw your dad hanging up the tree swing earlier. We could hang out there if you want." He suggest sweetly. "Yeah... we could." I agreed still tired from just having woken up. I heard him giggle before sitting up in bed, making me feel cold. "Noo... come back... I'm cold." I whined from the loss of contact. "No, come and get ready. We slept in a little so its almost 1 pm." Shawn said smiling and waking to his closet to pull out some clothes. I huffed again and finally sat up, closing my ryes immediately when the sun it my eyes. "Ughh." I groaned before finally getting up and pulling on a random shirt from Shawn and some shorts. "Ready for breakfast.... or lunch?" He asked, reaching for my hand before opening the door so we could finally walk downstairs. "Haha yeah." I laughed as we walked down together.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" Mama greeted us when we walked into the kitchen. "Morning mama." Also greeted her and so did Shawn. "Had a great night?" She teased. "MAMA! Cállate!" I shouted blushing lightly while turned to the fridge to pull something out to eat. I heard Shawn giggle and his hand come up to my ass. "Shawn." I whispered, turning around, my face still flushed. "You're cute." He smiled, giving me a chaste kiss on my lips before pulling out two plates. "You know... I'm actually not that hungry." I said, turning around and closing the fridge. "Oh no, you're not doing that, you're definitely earring something. You skipped dinner last night." Shawn said, obviously worried. I sometimes do that... skip meals. "Here, we could maybe eat.... some yogurt with frozen fruits?" He said, opening the fridge and pulling out the container of yogurt and a bag of frozen fruits, placing it on the counter. "Just a little bit?" "Hmm... alright." I agree, knowing that he would tell my mom if I would fall back into that habit, causing her to be very concerned. He prepared two bowls, pouring yogurt and fruits in it and handing me the bowl. "Sitting outside?" He asked, making me nod. He took my hand and we walked over to the side of the pool, sitting down and hanging our feet into the water. "Its so cold!" I giggled after sticking my feet in. "Its not that bad, baby." He laughed staring to dig into his yogurt bowl. He makes me want to be a lot healthier but I just can't keep up with it. He works out so much, makes so healthy menus, drinks a lot of water and he tries to make me just as healthy without forcing me, of course. And I try, I replay try to keep up with it but sometimes I just cant. Shawn barely eats and fast foods, sweets, sugar drinks.... anything whereas I eat stuff like that almost every day. And I know its normal but I just sometimes feel bad about it. With that thought in mind, I also began eating my yogurt, enjoying the weather with my lover boy next to me, holding light conversations.

"Are you feeling alright, baby? You've been kinda.... zoned out..." He asked when we were both done eating. "Yeah? Why are you asking?" I asked. I haven't even noticed that I've been that zoned out. "You sure? You know you can always talk to me, right?" "Yeah, babe. I know, thank you, I love you." I stopped the conversation with a quick kiss to his lips, standing up and helping him up as well."okay so you still up to sitting on the tree swing? I think it could be very nice, just me and you together? And we could go swimming afterwards?" "Yeah, I would really like that" I smiled, opening the glass door to enter the kitchen, putting the stuff in the dish washer. "Shawn, Camila? What are you up to today?" Mama asked when we entered the kitchen. She was folding laundry while watching her Spanish novel. "We were planning on just chilling together today... maybe outside on the swing papa build up and the pool." "Oh, thats awesome you two. Papa and I may be going to dinner Iver to abuelas. But I will let you know before we leave." I nodded, grabbing Shawns hand and pulling him upstairs with me. When the door closed behind me, he pulled me close, grabbing my hips gently and kissing my lips softly. "I love you a lot, my beautiful angel." I kissed back, closing my eyes, savoring the kisses that were being exchanged. "And now, get changed into your sexy bikini." He smirked, slapping my ass while walking over to the closet. I laughed, going through my drawer. I had an awesome idea. I pulled out my black bikini panties but no bikini top. Instead I walked over to the other drawer and pulled out my black knitted top. I didn't mind getting changed with Shawn in the room so I just pulled my shorts and panties down to pull on my black bikini. I then pulled off the shirt, leaving me naked apart from the panties. "Damn, you look hot." I heard Shawn in front of me and when I looked up, he was shirtless in only his black swim shorts. He took a step forward, placing his hands gently on my boobs and placing a kiss on my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his body, leaning into him. After a few minutes I pulled back after kissing his chest and looking up at him. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded smiling, grabbing my hand and two towels before leading me outside to the swing.

"This is so beautiful." I said in awe. I have never seen this swing before since papa had just ordered it a few days back so it was new to me. It was right by the tree next to our drive way and we had a slight view to the pool but also to the street. It was was the only tree on our property where you could actually hang a swing on. We put our towels down and sat down on the round swing. He sat down first and I sat down in front of him, my back turned to the street. He took my legs, putting them over his and placing his hand on my thigh, stroking it lovingly while his other hand was on my shoulder giving me comfort. We just talked for a little while, messing around, loving each other until I heard a camera flash behind me, making me flinch and Shawn look behind me. "Not again..." I heard him groan and causing me to turn around as well. We were both clearly annoyed. I turned back around to him. "Should we just go to the pool now?" "Yeah...." I heard him sigh. I was about to stand up when Shawn stopped me. "Wait, you're not standing up like this with paparazzis standing over there and taking pictures of us. I'm gonna grab your towel." he stood up, picking up our towels and wrapping one around my, making sure it would cover my ass. "Alright, come on baby." he said still annoyed and not even placing over at the paparazzis again, neither did I.

"I kinda.... hate that.. them invading our privacy? Is that necessary?" He said, placing out towels on the chairs before taking my hand so we could get in the pool. "It makes me anxious..." I admitted but Shawn already knows that. "I know, I can feel that baby, thats why I wanted to take you away from there." "Thank you." "Always baby. And now come on so we can cool off and forget about this." I nodded and followed him to the stairs into the pool. "Slowly, please.... you know how could this water is for me." He smiled, suddenly picking me up in bridal style, making me squeal. He then walked into the pool, covering both our bodies in the cold water. "Oh god Shawn! This is so cold!" I screamed. "Aw, come here." He giggled, letting me down and tightly wrapping his arms around me. It immediately was a little less cold and I found comfort in his arms. He felt me still shivering a little and pulled my legs around his waist. His hands immediately wandered down to my ass and I rested my head on his shoulder while he gave me sweet little kisses while walking slowly around the pool like usually.

"Camila! Shawn! We're leaving for abuelas house! We'll be back later tonight!" I heard my mom shout probably from the car in the drive way. "Ok! Have fun, see you later!" I shouted back. I was glad that people now were allowed to visit other family members. "We're alone." I heard Shawn whisper into my ear with a smirk. "I know." I laughed. "Wanna have some fun now? I mean... you only have on that sexy top... which I could easily take off...." He said in a suddenly husked and sexy voice, his hand slowly sliding off the step of my soaked top. "We could" I answered back in a sexy voice... definitely wanting this now. I helped him take off my shirt, leaving me shirtless in the pool as he admired my breasts. "You are so beautiful." And with that he got to work... giving us both a fun time alone in the pool once again.


sorry for not updating for so long.... it's like... I am more motivated when during school time. And oh my god... School is so exhausting! We have to wear a mask the whole day and aren't allowed to take it off, not even outside! Ahhh but better like that, I don't want online school.

How have you been and how's school?

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