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might be triggering.

Camila's POV

I woke up a little later than Shawn so he wasn't in the room anymore. Since I still wasn't feeling too awake, I grabbed my phone just to check some messages and stuff. When I unlocked it, the first thing that was shown were the information I got from last night... Thinking back to it, it actually wasn't that back and I was... considering doing it again sometimes. I then heard the door open and Shawn walked inside. "Hey, morning baby. I brought some breakfast since it's already a little late." He smiled, coming closer and setting the tray of food down on the bed. "Morning babe." I smiled up at him, leaning towards him to peck his lips. "So, look what I brought." He said, showing me the full tray of food. It was making me a little uncomfortable, knowing I would have to eat a lot of it but in the back of mind I still had the option from last night, which made me feel better. "That looks nice." I smiled , trying to act confident. "Here, I brought you some tea." HE said, giving me my favorite cup with my favorite tea, Camomile tea. "Thanks baby." I took a sip before setting it down, watching Shawn take a bite from his slice of bread with some strawberry jam. He also mad one for myself which I took and also took a bite. Shawn and I kept talking a little which was good because it kept me distracted from the food I was eating.

"Wanna take a shower?" Shawn asked me after we cleaned everything up and made the bed. "Sure." I smiled, grabbing some clothes before following him into the bathroom. We set our things down and undressed ourselves. "You are so beautiful baby." He said, pulling my naked body into him. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. "You are handsome babe." I said into his chest, pressing a kiss onto his chest. He caressed my back, placing small kisses on my shoulders. "Alright, let's get in?" "Yeah." We warmed up the water since Shawn knows I like to shower in hot water and then stepped inside together. We held each other, letting the water warm us before we started shampooing each others hair. "This one?" I nodded. He grabbed the 'extra curls' shampoo, put some on his hands and started massaging it into my long hair. "Ahh... this feels so good." I moaned into him. "I'm glad." I heard him smiling while he continued. Then I did the same. "Babe? Can I use this one?" I asked, showing him my shampoo for 'extra curls'. "I want to see you hair with tons of curls. I'm sure it will look amazing." "Sure, whatever makes you happy." He smiled lovingly down at me. "You make me happy." I smiled, putting shampoo into my palms, rubbing them together before also massaging it into his scalp. "You are gifted at this." Shawn moaned, making me smile. I was standing on tippy toes while he held my waist so I could reach his hair. "All done" I smiled, getting down and looking at his foamy hair. "Lets rinse it off." He took the shower head and gently poured it over my hair, making sure I wouldn't get anything into my eyes. I did the same to him, once again standing on my tippy toes while he held me. Then we we put body wash on our bodies and got ready to get out of the shower. This wasn't a sexual shower. Just us, loving each other with sweet little gestures. Once we got out, the whole bathroom was full of steam, causing us to not me able to see a reflection in the mirror. "Damn, how hot was the water." Shawn laughed, walking over to the small window and opening just enough so air could get inside but no one could watch us get dressed. We also brushed our teeth together and when the steam had subsided we got dressed. Before putting on clothes, I looked at my reflection which you could now see very clearly. Shawn stood next to me shoving while I compared out bodies. While Shawn would go and work out almost every day and has an amazing body with very defined abs... I sat in bed... eating... on my phone... and look... fat in comparison with him. I looked at my body up and down... once again hating the reflection I was seeing. How did I allow myself to eat so much in the morning when I look like this? "Mila? Are you okay?" Shawn asked. He had stopped shoving to look at me. "Yeah, yeah, sorry." I smiled and getting dressed. "Sure? Come here." He said, putting the razor dawn and pulling me into him. He was only in his Calvin Klein boxers and face full of foam. "I love you.... you know that?" "I know... I love you too." I mumbled into him." "I love every inch of you baby. You should too." He said sweetly.

After getting dressed Shawn said he he wanted to go on a short walk, asking if I wanted to go with him. I denied with a smile, pecked his lips one last time before he left. It took the time to stop myself from feeling guilty, locking myself in our bathroom and sticking my finger into my throat once again. It hurt a little more this time, probably because I waited so long after eating breakfast. Tears brimmed in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away, getting up, brushing my teethe once again and checking if the bathroom was cleaned up. I then sat down on the bed just thinking. What was I doing to myself? One side of me felt guilty... the other side felt... proud. And the proud side was bigger which didn't make me feel as guilty.

"Camila! Come down to eat lunch!" I heard mama shout. Shawn still wasn't here but I think he is coming in the next few minutes. When I walked downstairs, I saw that the table was set, Sofi was already sitting down, watching my every move around the kitchen which I found weird... "I already called Shawn. He will be here in a few minutes." mama informed me. I nodded, getting myself a glass of water before eyeing the food on the table. It was some pasta with salad and different types of toppings for the pasta which I usually adore. But I now knew how many calories were in pasta so it was making me a little bit anxious. Sofi was still looking at me but when the door opened, indicating that Shawn had arrived, she looked over. "Oh, it smells delicious Sinu." Shawn smiled, washing his hands and sitting down since we had all been waiting for him. We sat down and ate... or at least I tried. I ate small amounts of food on my plate, trying to drink a lot of water to fill my stomach. "Don't you like it?" Mama asked it. "No no, it is amazing mama. I just dont fell well... I already told Shawn yesterday..." I said. Mama looked over at him and he nodded approvingly. Good. "Oh, alright Mila, then just be careful with what you eat." I nodded, taking another sip of water. Sofi somehow kept eyeing me suspiciously but I shrugged it off. After helping cleaning everything, Shawn and I decided on going outside and meditate together. Yeah sure, go get the mats." He said, already walking outside. I rushed upstairs to grab the mats but watched Sofi grab Shawns arm and pushing him aside to talk to him which was weird... Sofi was weird today.... What is going on?


What are Sofi and Shawn talking about?

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