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Camila's POV

"Finally.... you've been asleep for quite some time... had me worried for a little, baby." was the first thing I heard from Shawn when I opened my eyes after what I thought was a short sleep. I rubbed my eyes, the headache still present, before sitting up in bed and looking at him after noticing that it was dark outside. "How long did I sleep?" I asked confused. "You slept through the whole day, Mila. Are you feeling any better?" He asked, leaning over and kissing me softly. I shrugged after he pulled away, not quite awake to answer that question. "Headache..." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes again. "Here, drink some water to stay hydrated." He said, giving me a bottle. I took a few sips before handing him the bottle back. "Are you hungry? You didn't eat for a while." He asked, putting his hand on my cheek, caressing it. He is just too sweet... But I shook my head, I wasn't hungry at all. "Sure? I think you should eat a little bit...." He said concerned. Of course he knows about my past struggles with food... honestly I was a little worried right now but I just didn't feel hungry. "Shawn, don't worry.. I am just not hungry because I just woke up... I'm sure I'll eat later." I tried to reassure him... and myself a little and leaned over, kissing his cheek quickly. "I think I need to take a shower though...." I said honest, feeling uncomfortable. "Want me to come with you?" He asked immediately but I just shook my head, I needed time to think. "Alright baby." He leaned over and kissed my lips one last time before I got up to grab some fresh clothes and take a shower.

I entered the bathroom and avoided the mirrors. After anxiety filled days my self esteem is lower than usual so it wouldn't do me any good right now. I just quickly stepped into the shower, not looking at myself, knowing I would feel pretty unsatisfied. I let the water run over me while I just kept my eyes closed. I have a pretty bad habit of not showering enough when I feel anxious or depressed so being in the shower right now was kind of a relief. I took a long shower... almost 40 minutes, before I stepped out, the bathroom covered in steam and luckily, so were the mirrors. I quickly got dressed before stepping out to see Shawn sitting on the floor with his black guitar and headphones on, probably listening to a recording he just made. "Hey." I said softly before walking over to my phone so I could charge it. "Hey baby." HE smiled, taking off his headphones, watching me. "Did you have a good shower?" "I did." I nodded, smiling slightly, my headache not completely gone. "I already told your mom you were awake." He let me know. I gave him a nod before sitting down on the floor next to him. "What did you do? Record something?" I asked, seeing his notes and phone. He nodded with a small smile. "Can I hear?" He usually lets me hear what he recorded so I can give him my input. "Honestly, no... it's a surprise...." He said, shyly looking down at his phone. "But I can tell you the titles I'm deciding on.... either 'a few hours' or 24 hours' I just cant decide... maybe you can just help me with the name.... I can also show you a bit of the lyrics... but not too much, I don't want to spoiler." He typed something into his phone, probably a few lines separated so I could read them before handing me his phone. I took it and looked at the display. 'Let's throw away our backup plans - And people might not understand - Who cares about if they approve? -I'd face them all to be with you' "I'm pretty sure that I don't want t change those lines... so yeah.." "These lines already look awesome.... what is it about? Is it about-" "You. Every song I'm writing is about you.... every song has always been, like I already told you..." He smiled, making my heart melt at the thought that he is writing even more songs about me. "Really? Are you writing another song about me?" "Almost every song on the new Album I'm planing is going to be about and for you..." I put down his phone, feeling overwhelmed with emotions before stretching out my arms and falling into his embrace. He quickly pulled me in, kissing the top of my head. "Every song is going to be about you... I love you too much and I need the world to get that." He whispered, kissing my head a few times. "I love you too... so much.... I'm sorry I don't write as many songs about you... but I hope you know a lot of my songs have bin about and for you too..." "I know baby, you don't need to tell me that. You went through a difficult and hard time... no one needs to tell you what to write about." HE comforted me after I was feeling a little guilty. "Don't feel bad, music doesn't even describe the love we feel for each other." "You're right." I sigh, pressing another kiss onto his chest before pulling back. "Okay so for the song I think 24 hours sounds better... even if I don't exactly know what it is about." "Alright, 24 hours it is then... I'm sure you will like it." He smiled after writing 25 hours on top of the page before closing the small book. "So are you up for a little guitar lesson?" He asked. I nodded smiling. "Here, put these on, I'm gonna grab the other ones and my mini guitar, wait a second." He said before standing up and getting the rest of the stuff. Meanwhile I took my phone and made a quick Instagram video for my story, putting in a filter and filmed myself from above, showing Shawns guitar, one of my guitars and myself, smiling. I posted it without saying anything, put my phone away and continued practicing with Shawn. I was planning on doing some concerts from home... and I want to play guitar by myself and Shawn is the perfect teacher.


Honestly, Shawns whole album is so AMAZING! I know I rarely talk about it but I listen to it every day, same with Romance of course!

Which are your favorite songs from 'Wonder' and 'Romance'?

Mine are

Wonder: 24 hours, Teach me how to love

Romance: Used to this, should've said it

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