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Camila's POV

An hour later Shawn and I were downstairs. He was eating breakfast and I was only drinking tea. I Wass going through the choreography in my head. I HAD to send it today... it was causing me some pressure but thats my job. "Mila, eat something." Shawn offered me his bread. "No, thanks, I'll eat later." I said, taking another sip from my tea. Oh no... I still need to take Thunder on a walk... today was my turn to the him out. But I also need to film the dance video. "Shawn? Do you think you can take Thunder on a walk? I have a lot to do..." "Sure, I love that boy." He smiled, taking the last bite of his bread. "Thank you, he loves you too." He nodded, smiling.

"Be safe baby, love you and thank you." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his lips as he slightly bent down to meet mine. "I will, and take care of yourself please. Stay hydrated while practicing and filming please. Love you too." He said back when we pulled away. I then bent down to pat Thunders black fur. "Behave baby, see you later." I said to him before standing back up. Shawn gave me a last smile before turning around and leaving for the door. "Mama!" I shouted as soon as they were put the door. "Sì Camila?" she walked inside. "Will you help me today again?" I asked. "Hmm... Camila. If you are ready?" "Give me another hour to practice and then we can film, okay?" "Okay Camila, but please don't be like yesterday, don't stress yourself out please." "I won't mama, I'll call you later." I said, walking out to the backyard, near to our pool where we had enough place so I could dance. I danced through the routine a few times, re-watching Sara's and Calvit's video. I did it a few times, without messing up and then, after almost an hour I was ready to film it, finally. My mama cam out and filmed it a few times. We didn't reshoot my dads basketball shoot though. We just took the same one from yesterday. "Great Camila! We got it!" My mama said proudly when we rewatched the video. My feet were hurting so bad from dancing on the hot Miami floor but I was kinda proud too and it was 3 pm by now.

Shawn was home by now and in the workout room. I didn't want to bother him so I sat down in our living room, sending the video finally to Sara. 'Thank you Camila! It looks awesome!' was her answer. I smiled and leaned back in the couch, feeling exhausted and my feet hurting. I decided to wait for Shawn and maybe get into the pool with him.

"Babbeee? You done?" I asked annoyed when I entered the workout room. "Soon baby...just... a few more... minutes..." he aid, while continuing to lift weights. I sigh and sat down on the floor, watching him. I still love the sight. His abs looking... damn. He is hot. "Aright baby, I'm done." he said, sitting up and taking a sip from his water. "Did you finish your video?" "I did" I said smiling slightly. "Can I see?" "Later, Sara and Calvit will ad my Video and send it to me later." I explained. "So, what do you wanna do now? You don't have another dance video to do, right?" he asked, sitting down next to me. "No, I don't. I was thinking... we could maybe go swim? I mean, you're all sweaty... and so was I. I could use a swim." I said, looking at him from the side."Alright baby, if you want to go swim." he smiled, standing up and offering me his hand. We walked upstairs to our room, put on our swimsuits and walked back downstairs with a towel each. My parents weren't here, neither were Sofia or Ana. We placed out towels on the stone bank and walked over to the stairs."Come baby." he said, grabbing my hand and slowly walking me inside the water. "It's just so cold... babe, I cant enter just like you." I whined, standing at the third stair. "Come on baby."he said, standing in front of me with his back tried to me. "Get on my back baby." he said, getting down a little so I could get on his back. I jumped on his back, my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. he put his hands under my thighs. "Alright. I'm gonna go in slowly, alright?" "Hmmm" I said, resting my head against his big back, my cheek pressing against it. When we were in the water, he lifted me up a bit and brought me to his front. "Love you baby." he said, kissing my hair. "Love you too." I said softly, my cheek this time pressing against his chest and both his hands still under my thighs. He swam, as best as he could with me, around the pool, swaying around. It was so calming, that I felt tired and fell asleep in his arms.

Shawn's POV

I don't know what was up with Camila today... but she seems better now. I could tell she was tired when she was sitting in the workout room, waiting for me and now in the pool, she fell asleep, which I find adorable. I held her close to my body, not wanting her to feel cold. Her skin luckily wasn't as red anymore. I walked around the the pool with her in my arms until I looked down, seeing her asleep. She honestly the cutes human being. I put one hand on her back and walked over to the stairs, sitting down so both our bodies were still in the water. It wasn't really cold outside but I know that as soon as you get out of the water, it's cold. It hurt me, seeing her hurt, like obviously today after she woke up. And what hurt me is not knowing why. But I try to just be there for her as best as I can. Because I love her. I kept her close, her head resting on my shoulder for a few minutes. Then she stirred and opened her eyes. "Hey." I said softly, looking down at her."Hey..." she said, obviously still sleepy. I felt her goosebumps on her body, signaling that she was cold. "Wanna go inside?" I asked her. "Yeah..." she said quietly. I stood up, still holding her and making sure that she was steady on her own legs. When she was, we got out and I wrapped first her towel around her body and then my own around y own body. I took her hand and we walked back inside, up to her room. We took a quick shower and got dressed in comfortable clothes. "Mila? Want me to braid your hair?" I asked, looking at her wet, long hair. I had practiced it multiple times in Aliyahs hair and now I considered myself as a pro. "sure." she smiled, applying the last bit of face lotion on her face. She walked over to the bed and sat down cross-legged. I sat down behind her, my fingers brushing through her soft hair, braiding it. "All done." I smiled after putting in the hair tie. "Thanks" she smiled, turning around a kissing my lips quickly before standing up. "Wanna eat something?" she asked. I nodded. I was hungry, none of us had eaten lunch and it was already 6 pm. We made ourselves something to eat, ending the day earlier with a movie in bed together.


They are so, so, so cute.

I always try do write things as realistic as possible.... like it really happened... do I kind of make it? Let me know! I don't really want to invent stupid things...

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