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Camila's POV

"Babee... I cant sleep..." I whined in the middle of the night. Shawn was in a light sleep so he woke up when I whined. "Baby... just try please..." he mumbled, turning his back to me. I huffed annoyed, also turning my back to him. I heard light snores so I knew he had already fallen back to sleep. Why cant I sleep? Its 2 am... My back was touching Shawns. How could he just sleep so peacefully? I sat up, deciding to go outside for a bit. I quietly got out of bed, put on some leggings and Shawns hoodie, grabbed my phone and AirPods and walked downstairs. I very quietly opened out door to the backyard and got outside, my bare feet touching the stone floor. I walked over to my favorite spot, the stone bench and sat down, putting in my AirPods and leaning my head against the wall behind me, closing my eyes. I love moments like this... some alone time... even if spending time with Shawn is way better. But sometimes you just need some time alone. I had on some calm music to not start overthinking. Thats why I'm sometimes scared to be alone... I tend to overthink very quickly... and very deep... I was trying to not overthink for some minutes now and my mind was calm... luckily... I was calm... until suddenly, cold hands touched my neck. I gasped, freezing. "Baby, what are you doing?" Shawns calm and still tired voice then said. I let out a relieved sigh, relaxing into his hands until I felt him sit down next to me. "I just couldn't sleep and wanted to relax a bit.." I said, my head now resting on his shoulder as his arm was around my waist. "I'm sorry I didn't come... I was too tired to realize..." "Babe, it's okay. I'm sorry for waking you up in the first place." I said, now feeling guilty. "Don't apologize baby. I just felt the spot next to me cold and needed to find you. I can't really sleep when you're not by my side..." he whispered into my hair. "Aw... I cant sleep without you either baby..." I smiled into his chest. He held me tightly against him, enjoying the moment with me.

When I next woke up I was back in bed, Shawns arms wrapped around me and his face nuzzled in my neck. I let out a happy sigh, loving to wake up like this. Only by looking out of the slightly opened window blinds, I could tell that the weather to day wasn't too god. A whole day in bed with Shawn. I love that. It's actually one of my favorite things to do. Cuddle... I need cuddles like all the time and Shawns cuddles are just the best. I placed my hand over his hand which was laying on top of my slightly uncovered stomach and drew small patterns on his big hand. His hand covered almost ma whole stomach and mine compared to his one covered like one finger. I closed my eyes again, a small smile on my lips.

Shawn's POV

I woke up by small, soft patterns on my hand. I only opened my eyes without moving. My head was still in her neck, giving me even more warmth and comfort. She was drawing small patterns on my big hand which I loved. I could tell she was barely awake and after a few seconds the motions stopped and Mila had fallen back asleep. I waited a few minutes, softly patting her bare stomach before grabbing her with both my hands and rolling onto my back, pulling Mila on top of me with her stomach laying on mine. I made sure to do it slowly so she wouldn't wake up. When I did it, I put her head on my bare chest and placed my hands on her lower back. Her hands limply fell down my sides. To be honest, I love this position oven more that spooning her. It's just so... cute. Like, she is so small compared to me and barely fits over my body put I just love having her like this. We stayed like this almost half an hour before I looked at the time. 11:35 am. Oh, pretty late. So I decided to wake her up. I started by placing soft kisses on her head, my hands wandering up to her shoulders. "Baby... wake up..." I whispered. "Hmmm.." she mumbled quietly, making me smile. "Mila, come one... its almost 12 pm..." I tried again. And she actually woke up. "Morning beautiful..." I smiled down at her. "Morning handsome..." she said back tiredly. "Come, lets go and eat breakfast." I said, still caressing her back. "Hmm okay." she said, lifting herself up from my body, making me feel cold. "Oh, you're shivering baby..." she noticed, tracing my goose bumpy on my chest. "I am. Can you give me my shirt?" I asked, pointing over to the shirt saying next to me on the floor. She grabbed it, handing it to me. I also sat up, pulling it on and pulling the covers aside. "Breakfast?" I asked. "Sure." we got out of bed, Mila quickly fixed her hair and then we walked down to the kitchen.

"Finalmente, you two sleepy heads." Sinu greeted us from the couch with a cup to tea or coffee in her hand. "Morning Sinu, Mila was tired." I said and Mila blushed, hitting my shoulder."Hey.... you were tired too or you would have woken me up earlier." she said. "Yeah, yeah, now come on, I'm hungry." I said, walking to the fridge. "Oh, Camila. Have you checked your mails?" Sinu asked then "No, why?" "You have another event coming up today at 3pm." "I do? Alone or with Shawn?" It's cute how she always asks because she doesn't want to do it alone. "Read it later... it's for the children's hospital." She said. "Okay, thanks you mama... Shawn? Will you do it with me if you're allowed t-" "Of course baby." I smiled. Why does she even ask?

We ate some pancakes from yesterday and walked upstairs again, having to get ready for the event later. She had read through the mail and found out she would be calling the children via Zoom to talk to them. "Babe? Can we take a shower? I fell all gross." She said, taking clothes out of her closet. "Do we have time for that?" I asked, checking the time. Almost 1 pm. "Of course, we always have time for a shower." she said, taking my hand and pulling me into the bathroom with her. Oh, how I love this cutie pie.


Just some fluff. Might be boring for some of you but I kinda love fluff.

Any books to recommend? Let me know!

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