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Shawn's POV

"Sinu? Alejandro?" I asked, walking down into the living room where they were sitting together. "Yes?" Sinu looks up at me, so did Alejandro. Camila was currently taking a shower and I decided it was the right moment to talk to her parents. "Can we talk?" I asked insecure. This was a sensitive topic... the were... really upset when they Tod me... and obviously so was I... as I had the nightmare. "Come here Hilo, sit down." Sinu offered, making space for me next to her to sit. "What is it? You two are you alright, right?" Sinu went straight to the point. "Yes... of course... I love her. But... I think she's... getting suspicious. She know we're hiding something from her..." "Yeah... I noticed too." Sinu admitted, looking over to her husband. "I was thinking... maybe... maybe I should talk to her...." I suggested. I hate keeping things from her. "You mean... telling her about the things online?" Alejandro asked. "Yes... I should talk to her... calmly... trying to do it as... I don't know if painless I s a word I can use in this situation..." Why do you feel like you need to tell her? Well okay, she's starting to get suspicious but... did anything else happen?" Alejandro asked. "No... well... I ... I had a... nightmare... because I saw some pretty hurtful things..." "Oi hijo..." Sinu said, patting my back softly. "More hurtful things?" Alejandro then asked. "Yeah...I ... I cried... it just.... it hurts me a lot..." "Oh god... I can't believe this...." Alejandro said, putting his hands on his face. "Talk to her... please... I.... I don't even know what to say...." Alejandro groaned, standing up and pacing around the room. "Shawn, talk to her... be calm.... protect her..." Sinu said. I nodded, thanking her and walking back upstairs. The shower was of so I guessed that Camila was done showering. I entered the room quietly, seeing Camila standing by her closet, choosing out some clothes. "Hey baby." I said, walking up behind her. She only had a towel around her body, her wet hair falling down her back. "Hey..." she said softly, not looking at me or calling me by my pet name. She definitely knows something is up. But I asked anyways.... "Mila? Is something wrong?" she was quietly for a few seconds. "Is it? Is something wrong? You tell me." she suddenly snapped, turning around. "Mila... no... I" "Shawn. If you want to leave, feel free to g-" "Camila, no. We will talk okay? Get dressed so we can talk." I said, not letting her talk, knowing it was her anger talking. Today would be a day of doing almost nothing. I would be working on my voice later and Camila has a dance lesson later today but until then, we're basically doing nothing.

I was already dressed and was waiting on the bed for Mila. I knew she wouldn't reply be in the mood to do anything else after I told her this. "Mila, come..." I called her. She was in the bathroom doing her face routine. "Coming!" she shouted back, turning off the light in the bathroom and walking towards me, wearing light blue sweatpants and a white oversized shirt. She leaned against the headboard and I could tell that she was debating wether she should start or if she should just wait for me to start. "Shawn... if you... if you want to leave... if you feel trapped-" "Mila, no..." "please let me talk.... it's been on my mind for a few days now... I mean, if you want to see your family as soon as you can, go... if you finally saw that I am not enough... if you want to- to break u-up..." "Mila, shut up... you know nothing of that is true." I was shocked.... I pulled her into my arms, letting her sit between my legs, sobbing, her back pressed against my chest, hands intertwined... a position we haven't been in a two days. "Mila.... baby... I am here because I want to be with you... I want to use this difficult time to grow even closer to you. I swear I won't leave as soon as I can... I will stay with you as long as I can. And why would you ever think that you are not enough for me? You are the most precious human being I know... I treasure you so much, no matter what other people say." I pressed a kiss to her head. "How could you ever think I would break up with you? I waited so, so long... I would never let you go, Mila. Never." I said, softly turning her head so she was looking at me, tears in her eyes. I pressed a kiss to her lips. "T- then... what is this a-all about?" she asked sobbing. "Mila... something has been going on...." I whispered. I wasn't really sure how to begin the conversation. "What do you mean?... Whit my parents? Do they don't want you here anymore?" she was clearly confused, still not knowing what this was all about. "No... no... they don't want me to leave... we just... we have been talking about this together, about what has been going on..." I was quiet again. "Mila... you remember... about the apology post?" I felt a small nod against my neck. "Mila, turn around, please." I asked her. I want to see her face, her reaction. I turned her around in my lap, holding her hands gently in mine as we both sat cross legged in front of each other. "Listen... things were...bad when you called me... I remember....." she sobbed into the phone that day... she was so, so hurt... and things weren't half as bad as right now. I was scared that day.... scared that she would get back into... old habits. "A- are things getting b- bad again?" she asked with a shaking voice. "Yeah... kinda...." I admitted. She looked down at our intertwined. "How bad?" she was whispering. I wasn't sure what to say so I stayed quiet. She understood that it must have been pretty bad so she nodded, a tear dropping down to our intertwined hands. "I- I knew it...." she said sadly. "Can... can I see?" should she? "I- I don't think it's a good idea." "Please... you have my phone, right?" "Mila... no...I have your phone.... but I don't think it's a good idea." I just... I don't want her to see this... "Shawn... you can't do this... you have MY phone..." "Mila... I talked about this with your parents and w-" "No... please... this is about me... not about you... " she whispered the lat part, clearly upset with me. "Mila... isn't it enough that you know what is going o-" "I... I want to see it Shawn... understand me please... and besides that... you are with me this time..." Thats true... I am here but... "Shawn...." she really wanted to see. I slowly reached for Mila's phone which was in the drawer, taking it out and handing it to her. She looked at it for a few seconds before unlocking it and tapping on the twitter icon. "Mila... don't." she just shook her head, going right to her mentions. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see it again. "No...." I heard her gasp. I opened my eyes again, seeing Mila look at the same hurtful comment section as I have been before. New hurtful posts were shown... I wanted to take her phone away again but I knew she would get angry. "What.... but I.... why... I'm not a... a racist..." she cried. "Mila... I know..." I said, placing my arms around her. "No... no...." I heard her whimper. "Put it away Mila..." but she continued scrolling, sobbing heavily. "I am n-not a- a racist..." She whispered again. "Mila, I know, a lot of people know that" I reassured her. "No.... you know... the others... don't..." "They know Mila... it's enough..." I said, pulling the phone out of her hands. "S-shawn... I am n-not-" "I know baby." I kissed her, pulling her into my embrace and laying us down in the bed. She was crying... really crying and I hate it. I hate the effect other people have on her.... I hate that people hate her so much... Why? I kept her close to my body, not wanting to let go. I heard her sob and sniffle and her body shook violently when another sob escaped her mouth. "Mila... I love you." I whispered, my hands on her stomach to hold her close, while her hands gripped my wrists tightly. She didn't say anything though. After about 30 minutes of her crying a lot, she finally fell asleep. I knew that if I left her, she would have a nightmare so I stayed. I then heard a knock on the door and Sinu stood there with a questioning look. "Not good...." I whispered and she understood, coming closer and sitting down next to Camila on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair. "She was crying really hard...." I whispered. "I can tell..." her cheeks were probably still wet from tears and her eyes red. "Let her rest... I can bring you lunch if you want?" "No thanks... I'll just come down with her when she feels like it." I thanked her. She kissed Camilas cheek and stood up, leaving us alone. I had moved my arms so now I was gently holding her forearms, my finger gently caressing the small scars near her left elbow. I just hope she never does this again... She did... when she was close to leaving Fifth Harmony because she got so much hate... and since the, we've always been talking and she was seeing a therapist. It was the saddest she's ever been... the end of her time with Fifth Harmony and... right when se first started her solo career.... I hope she doesn't feel like this... but by the looks of it, this wouldn't do her any good. But I was here this time, really here, to show her love and to protect her. And I would do that. I held her, kissing her shoulder and falling asleep myself.


Poor Camila.

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