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Camila's POV

It was almost a week after our sleepover outside and the days had been pretty good at the beginning of last week but I noticed how my mood has been going down. So today when I woke up I was feeling terrible. I opened my eyes wand was laying in bed alone. Shawn had told me he needed to fix a quick video for an event where he is going to support his favorite restaurant and he chose one here in Miami which is incredibly sweet and go on a walk afterwards. So I knew I would wake up alone today. But what I wasn't expecting was me feeling so... horrible. I had a tight feeling on my chest and even had a slight headache. I sat up and leaned against the wall behind me, closing my eyes. Why am I feeling like this again? Time before quarantine was hard for me... for my mind. Even though I was living my highest point in life... filming cinderella... selling out many concerts for Romance.... I was feeling so incredibly unhappy... I had thought where I was just thinking of quitting my career... imagine feeling so lost in what you're doing that you really play with the thought of... stopping what you build. To be honest... I even had a time where my anxiety and even... depression was so incredibly controlling of myself that I really played with the thought of.... quitting life.... But Shawn was there... Shawn has been here since the beginning. He kept my head above water and saved me from myself.... Its crazy how this quarantine.... in some way saved my career and life... But right now... I was back to feeling that exact way. I was feeling like I was loosing myself. Not that I haven't since quarantine started but I usually have the energy to do some yoga or meditate... but right now? I wasn't even feeling like moving or anything. So I just laid back down, pulled the blanket over my body and curled into a small ball before sleeping my anxiety away... hopefully.

Shawn's POV

I was just entering the cabellos house again after my daily walk when Sinu was waiting for me. "Shawn... what is up with Camila?" She asked, panic in her eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. She was alright when I left. "Can you go check up on her? She hasn't come out of her room.... not even for breakfast or anything... It's 1pm..." I nodded before rushing up to our room. I knocked but no answer "Mila?" After no response again, I opened the door quietly. Camila was laying in bed curled up with the blanket up to her head. This was weird... she usually always tries to be productive which helps her mental health... " Mila?" I sat down on the bed next to her, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. She didn't react though. "Baby..." I looked down and she was sleeping, so I let her. Whats wrong? She never is like this... I walked to the bathroom, cleaned myself up and changed clothes before walking back to Mila. She was still sound asleep. I thought of maybe checking if she was sick and had a fever or anything so I put my hand on her forehead but nothing. She wasn't unusually warm so she probably wasn't sick... what is it then? I was about to sit down when it knocked on the door. I got up and walked over, seeing Sofi with to plates in her hands. "Here Shawn, its your lunch... mama told me somethings wrong with Mila? Is she okay?" She asked, also worried about her sister. "Thank you. I think... she isn't sick or anything... she is sleeping so I'm just going to sit here and wait." I smiled thankfully at her. "I'll update you when I have news." I let her know before she nodded and walked back downstairs. I sat back down, putting both our plates on the floor. I was eating later with her. But for now I want her to wake up so she isn't awake the whole night. "Mila... Baby...." I leaned over to her so I could gently shake her awake. "Baby... come on... I need you to wake up baby." I whispered gently, shaking her so she would wake up.... which she did. She opened her eyes slowly, looking at me and I immediately knew something was wrong just by the way her eyes weren't shining and she didn't give me the usual smile. "Hey baby... whats wrong?" I asked going straight to the point. She just shook her head, turned to me and curled into me with the blanket up to her chin and I immediately knew she was having a bad mental health day... "Aw baby... want me to lay down with you and hold you?" O asked, rubbing her back. I felt her nod a little next to me so I took off my shirt and slid down to put her head on my chest. I know that it makes her feel better when I have direct contact... skin to skin. She put her head only chest and I held her closely to myself. I could feel her breath and it was a little accelerated which I knew was a sign of anxiety for her. When she placed her cold hands on my chest I could also feel that she had pretty sweaty palms...I took one of her hands and rubbed it gently after kissing the back of her hand. "I love you baby, alright? Talk to me when you feel ready" I whispered. I felt her nod again and that was confirmation enough. For now I just want her to know that I'm here for her to rest and be calm again. It usually takes her a few hours when she has an anxiety attack but since she was just having a day where it suddenly came up its possible for it to take a day until she is fully rested and relaxed.


Baby Mila....

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