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Camila's POV

"Shawn!" I screamed as he splashed me with water. "Come here." He laughed, quickly swimming towards me as I tried getting away. "Shawn!" now I was laughing as well. He splashed more water until he reached me and when he was close enough he grabbed my waist, pulling me into his body, wetting me completely. "Come here baby." He giggled when I was pressed against his hard chest. "I love you" He said, kissing my neck quickly. We were in the pool, enjoying the morning sun before having to drive into the city to get groceries. "I love you too." I giggled when I felt his fingers tickle me under water. "Shawn! S- Stop!" I laughed, gasping for air. He leaned down, biting my earlobe to these me and then finally stopping. I turned around in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Love you." I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder after kissing the spot. "I love you too baby." He smiled, both his hands wrapping around my ass, holding me up.

We stayed like that for a little before deciding to eat breakfast and then make our way to the store. "So, what are you craving today?" He asked as we were standing in the kitchen in only our now dry bathing suits. "Fruits?" I suggested, still not able to eat full meals. "Sure, can you bring over the fruits you want?" I nodded, walking over to the fruit bowl and taking out two bananas, apples, kiwis and a pear. "Is this okay?" He nodded, starting to cut them while I got two bowls and spoons. "Mila, what do you think about adding some oats? It will keep us saturate for quite some time." I know he was trying to make sure I ate enough. I hesitated at first... but then... what harm would oats do together with some fruits? "Sure, put a few in." I agreed. He gave me a small smile, obviously proud of my decision and continuing to cut the fruits into small cubes.

"Baby?" He asked from the kitchen. I had been talking to mama and he was finishing to cut the fruits. "Yeah?" "It's ready!" I quickly walked into the kitchen, taking the bowl and waiting for him. "Living room?" He nodded, following me.

"Come here baby." He smiled, sitting down on the couch and pulling me into his lap. Of course I sat down, leaning against his chest. "I loveee you." I smiled at him, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I love you too baby. And I am really proud of you." I smiled shyly at him, blushing. "Let me." He then said softly, taking my bowl out of my hand. and feeding me a few fruits. He made sure to not give me too much and to wait between giving me another few fruits, which I really appreciated. He sometimes also took a few of my fruits to empty my bowl a little faster.

"Thank you." I whispered, kissing his nose. "For what?" "Just for... I just love you." I didnt have words... I was so thankful for way too many things... "Come on baby. We need to go to the store." I nodded and together we walked upstairs into my room. "Do we have time for a shower?" I asked with puppy eyes, knowing he wouldn't resist. "Come on." He smiled, not even thinking about saying no. I jumped up excited and followed him into our bathroom. Since we were only in our bathing suits we quickly pulled them off in the shower, washing them a little and hanging them up in the shower. Then I leaned against him as he tenderly started rubbing my body with my vanilla body wash. It felt... amazing, as always... every touch of his felt... magical. I also did the same to him, making sure to also massage his shoulders and back. I knew he had been stressed because of me but I wanted him to relax for a bit. "That feels amazing..." He softly groaned, giving me courage to continue massaging his sore muscles. When I was done I started rinsing off the body wash and took the shampoo.... for extra curls. Since his hair was getting long and curly because of the moisture air here in Miami, I could always play with his hair, now even more. "Can you..... lean down?" I asked, not able to reach his hair. "Let me help you." He smiled, placing his hands on my hip, holding me as I stood on tippy toes. "Honestly baby, I love our heigh difference..." He admitted, watching my hair chest as I shampooed his hair and also massaged his scalp. "I get why." I laughed. He giggled and leaned forward, kissing my left breast. "You are beautiful baby." He pouted, pressing another kiss to my breast. I stopped shampooing his hair and wrapped my arms around his neck, my head on his shoulder. He pulled me in, kissing my arm. I was getting a little emotional.... But he made sure he reminded me of how beautiful I was. "Mila, I love you so incredibly much...." He whispered as the water crashed down on us." "I love you too." I whispered back, quickly pecking his lips before burying my head in his cheat as he stroke my back.

After getting ready we walked downstairs and in hand, asking if mama and papa need anything special. Then we got in our red jeep. "You know... I really love this car." Shawn told me as we were driving into the city. "Papa loves it as well... I chose it..." "It's amazing... maybe I'm buying one like this but in black..." He told me, concentrated on the road.

"Okay.... but on your mask and gloves." Shawn told me, placing the smaller black gloves on my lap as I put on the white mask. Shawn pulled out pink gloves and pulled them on. "Pink? Shawn." I giggled. "What? Your mama gave me them... it were the only ones she had... and the black ones you're wearing are smaller than these." He explained laughing. I then made sure my mask was on correctly and together we made our way into the store after grabbing a shopping cart.

"Okay... so do we need anything else?" He asked after we had the things mama had asked for. "Can we get candles?" I asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. "Of course love." He smiled, pushing our cart to the right isle. "Oh my god! Vanilla flavored!" I exclaimed, reaching up to try and grab the candle... but I was too small. "Need help?" Shawn giggled. "Please..." I pouted. He laughed and simply reached up his hand to grab the candle. "Like the smell?" I asked him. "Yeah. It smells just like you." He smiled, making me blush but you luckily couldnt see it because of the mask. "Look baby... what about this one... I heard its flavor is very romantic... we could light it up when we... you know..." He trailed off, smelling the scent. "Show me." He held the candle down so I could smell it through the mask. "It really smells good..." I admitted. "So? should we take one?" "Two." I answered, picking up another one and placing it in the cart. "Alright, baby..." He laughed. "I am so ready to try this..." I whispered, continuing to walk through the isle, hearing his laugh behind me.

We then also packed another few things along with normal groceries before leaving and driving back home. As soon as we were home mama told us that it was neighbors birthday today and that she had baked a cake. She asked us to take Sofi with her so we changed and drove to the car- party. Due to COVID we only delivered the cake and then stayed in the car, talking and laughing as the sun went down in Miami. It was a pretty chill evening and when the sun was down we drove back home, getting ready for a nice evening to try out our new scented candles...


I am so sorry for not updating but I'm back in school since April like really in person school and have so much exams 😢
also I am getting vaccinated next week! Yayy
Hope you are kinda still enjoying this book and are all safe

Quarantined together | c.c & s.mOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora