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Camila's POV

A few days passed and Shawn and I were still better than ever.... it was weird.... at first I thought I would never be able to find... true love. And here I am... Shawn Mendes.... Shawn Mendes as my boyfriend, best friend.... my family. I was having a hard time.... just my head messing with me but Shawn was always making sure to make me feel okay. I was currently with my head on his lap while he was on a video call with his team talking about his new album which he wants to release in December. Its weird.... I am not feeling like doing any music right now... I feel inspired but... I am just enjoying the free time I'm having... its the most Ive ever had... and same goes for Shawn. But he is just a hard worker. He's always working on new ideas and I am so proud of him.... but right now... after canceling my tour I just cant find the motivation to get back to write an album. Of course I have a few ideas here and there which I've written down but... not album potential....- "Baby? You okay? You seem to have zoned out..." Shawn pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, yeah, sorry... I was just thinking..." I said, quickly pulling those thoughts out of my mind. "okay baby.. I'm done by the way... what do you want to do?" He asked, putting his phone away and sweetly looking down at me. "Hmm... I don't know... maybe... or no..." I started but quickly pushing that idea out of my head. I love going on walks with him but I'm scared of the paparazzis and I wasn't going to eat with them right now. "No, tell me. What did you have in mind?" He asked, gently pushing my hair out of my face. "I was thinking of going on a walk again.... but the paparazzis.... I just cant deal with them right now. Thats why I hesitated." I admitted, looking into his beautiful brown eyes. "Oh baby. I understand.... we could wait until later today and go out when its evening if you like." He suggested. "Yeah.... yeah.... that would be nice." I smiled up at him. He then gently pulled me up and sat me on his lap so I was straddling him. "I have another idea what we could do today." He smiled with soft eyes. "The weather is pretty warm until tomorrow so maybe if you'd like... we could put our mattress outside on the patio with a lot of blankets and pillows and sleep outside... it would maybe calm your mind a bit... I read that being outside at night does wonders." He suggested. I could see he was a bit unsure of his idea but it was honestly one of the sweetest thing. So without saying a word I out my hands around his neck and leaned forward, leaning my head on his chest, placing kisses there. He immediately reciprocated and pulled me in, tucking my head under his chin and kissing my hair. "So... is that a yes...?" "Of course... how would I be able to deny that offer?" I whispered into him. I heard him chuckle which made me chuckle as well. How I love this man....

"Baby?" "Hmm?" I was just on my laptop looking for some cute movies for tonight. "Do you want to go on a walk first or first put our stuff outside?" He was now standing behind me, his hands on my hips and head on my shoulder. "Hmm... honestly... I would love to first set up the stuff outside. I am is excited for tonight." I said, funding around and squealing a bit. "You're so cute.... I am excited as well baby." HE smiled, kissing my nose. "Then come on, lets look for stuff we want to take outside." I smiled and gripped his hand, pulling him towards our bed. "Okay, okay... we ned blankets.... toooonnnss of blankets! and Pillows... omg all these fluffy pillows...." I threw everything on the floor in front of Shawn. He just stood there, watching me smiling. "Oh Mila... you're the cutest bean.... especially when you're excited." He smiled, finally stepping next to me and helping me fold the blankets. "Do you also want this blanket?" He asked, holding up the blanket we only used to cover our bed when we weren't using it. "No, that won't be necessary I think." I nodded, putting it on the side.

"You ready?" I nodded after pulling down my shirt and putting my hair in a slight braid. "Come." I happily took his hand and together we walked downstairs to the door. "Where ya going?" Sofi was back home. "We're going on a late walk." I smiled at her, still gripping Shawns hand. "And whats with all the blankets and pillows you've been putting together? And the mattress outside?" "Oh, Shawn and I are going to sleep outside today." I said, looking at Shawn and jumping up and down excitedly. Shawn just stood Der looking at me and then kissed my nose when I stood still again "Oh my god... you two are so in love... I'm about to throw up." Sofi said joking before walking into the living room. "Have fun!" She shouted before we finally left.

"Its so peaceful...." I said quietly, enjoying the empty Miami streets while the sun was going down. "It is..." Shawn replied. There was no one... only Shawn and me...no cars, no other people and finally... no paparazzis. It was slightly windy but not cold. We walked hand in hand around the block and today even took an extra mile to walk over to the side of the beach. Usually we couldn't come here.... too many people who would probably recognize us or too many people which was dangerous because of COVID. So we usually just stayed around the block. But today, at this time of the day; the beach was almost empty. Only a few people here and there but nothing dangerous. "This is so beautiful..." I said in awe. "It is.... dont you come here often?" Shawn asked looking down at me. "No... I get anxious because of the people... and I am scared of the paparazzis..." I said a bit quieter. "Aww baby... I'm glad you are able to be here right now..." He smiled again, kissing my head. "Me too, especially since I can be here with you." I said, squeezing his hand. "Come, we can sit over there." He suggested pulling me over to a small stone bay. We sat down together and he pulled me really close into him. I leaned against him as he put his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. We stayed like that for a few minutes until the sun set. "Wanna get home?" HE asked after standing up. I nodded and together we made our way back home.

"Oh my god I am so excited..." I squealed again as we were changing into warmer clothes so we could lay outside without getting cold. "Me too baby. I am so happy to see you happy." He smiled warmly at me. "Can I have one of your shirts?" I asked shyly. He chuckled, taking off his shirt which he was currently wearing and threw it at me. "Thank you baby." I smiled, taking off my top and bra and pulling it over my body. I already had hanged into some of my sweats and was waiting for Shawn. He was putting on a white shirt and was in grey sweat pants. "Ready?" I nodded, walking over to the door and grabbing the rest of the blankets the hadn't put outside yet. Shawn took more pillows and together we walked outside to where we had put the mattress. Mama had put some drinks and food for us out here and papa had put up some fairy lights along with a mosquito net which he hung up over the mattress. It looked so pretty... and would save us some mosquito bites. "This looks so awesome...." Shawn whispered. "It really does." We put the stuff down and got comfortable under the blankets and pillows. Shawn pulled me closely into him, making me lay my head on his shoulder and my arms across his stomach. We were covered in three fluffy blankets and everything felt so... fluffy and warm and just perfect. I had my laptop on Shawns lap and he was going through some movies to choose what to watch. "Did you find something?" I asked after a few minutes. "Yeah..." He showed me the screen and it was a sweet love movie and I'm all in for it. "Thank you." I whispered before he started the movie. I leaned up and kissed his cheek and hummed contently. "This feels like last summer... in Toronto in my condo." He said quietly. "It does... it was so beautiful.... we could do this more often." He suggested. "We should... I love you." "I love you baby." He replied before we both had a romantic night under the stars.


I hope you know what inspired this... have you seen Shawns TikTok where he put in a scene where he and Mila slept on his patio in Toronto omg....

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