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second chapter 🤍

Camila's POV

The livestream was a full success! We had our cute moments and I got so embarrassed when I messed up... but Shawn comforted me. And every time I would read a bad comment or check the comments for a bit too long, he would squeeze my hand to make sure I would stop reading them. But in general... it was pretty good. After that we just chilled together. We put on our swim suits and got into our pool. After eating something, of course. Luckily it was a warm sunny day. Sofi had our cousin over during the quarantine so she always had something to do.

Shawn and I got into the pool together and he held me in the water while softly kissing my lips. The pool was a bit deep and I get scared of deep water so that was one of the reasons why he held me but also because we needed that contact. I let my legs slide around his waist as he gently hold me, putting his hands under my thighs and my arms dangling around his shoulder. He swam a bit around the pool, with me on his lap and kissed my neck a few times, which I also did. When we were done in the pool, we dried ourselves and laid on the grass together on a blanket. He held me again and intertwined our hands.

"Mila... it's going to start to rain... we should go inside." Shawn whispered into my ear. I sat up, looked at the sky and just in that moment, a rain drop fell on top of my head. "Yeah... lets go." We still only had our swimsuits on so we walked up to my bathroom to change. "Shower?" He asked when we were bot standing in the bathroom. "Sure" I smiled, pulling down my swimsuit and getting in first. We had done this a lot of times, especially when I visited him in Toronto for a few days. We love it. The bare contact of out bodies and not too sexual, just pure love. We stood close to each other as he put some shampoo on his hand and massaged it into my hair softly. He loved to do that and I love the sensation of it. It makes me relax a lot. He gently rubbed it into my hair and I did the same for him. Since he was a lot taller than I am I stood onto my tippy toes. He didn't lean down one bit because he thinks it's cute how I try to reach his head. So I put all my effort into standing on my tippy toes while he held my waist gently. I massaged his head which made him moan, which I of course found hot. When I had rubbed it in, he took the shower head and started washing the shampoo out of both our hair. He made sure to not get any shampoo in my eyes, just like a baby, but he likes it and I guess so do I. He then put body wash on his hands and started rub it slowly onto my body, making sure to get all the parts... ALL the parts and I did the same for him. When we were ready with showering, we gout out and wrapped ourselves into the towels. He hugged me to dry my body and I dried his too. I pulled out the body lotion which smelled of lavender and put it on my hand, spreading it on my body, while Shawn was putting on his boxer. I then put some more in my hand, walking over to Shawn, who had his back turned towards me and placed my hands, which were full of body lotion, on his bare back. He hissed due to the coldness and I started spreading it on his body. It smells sooo good and I was about to sleep next to him again. "Ahh baby this is so colddd!" He whined when he turned around so I could put it on his stomach and abs. "I know, but it smells so good." I smiled, slowly tracing his abs. He is pretty damn jacked. When I was done, I pulled my hands away, pressing a quick kiss to his chest and putting on my underwear an a loose shirt of his. "Hey, leave that off." He said, putting his hand under my shirt, unclasping my bra again. I just giggled, letting him pull it off. We were both dressed then and walked downstairs to grab something to eat. My mom did not always make something, which I was totally okay with. I opened the fridge and Shawn walked to my side. "What do you want?" I asked him, looking through the fridge, searching for something quick, since neither of us knew how to cook. "This?" he said, pulling out a frozen vegetables pack. "Do you know how to make it?.... Probably not, so no." I said, pulling it out of his hand and putting it back."Actually I know how to." He said, getting it out again. "But I don't want vegetables." I whined, leaning my chin on his chest. "Mila, I am going to make them good, alright? We can even go and eat in your room." He tried. "Alright.." I said, closing the fridge again while he got out a pan and started making the vegetables. "Hey, it's gonna taste good, I promise." He said, before I started taking out bowls for us, a tray and cups.

"And? How does it taste?" He asked when we were both sitting in my white king sized bed. "It actually does test pretty good." "See! I told you." He said excited. I chuckled, finishing my bowl. We had told the others that they could just eat if they wanted. He had made enough for my whole family. When I was done, I sat the bowl down on the floor next to me, deciding to take it down tomorrow and pulling out my phone from the table next to my bed. I at first checked mails to see if Roger had said anything and I was kind of glad when I didn't have any message from him. Then I checked Instagram. My explorer page was full of pictures and videos from the livestream earlier and there were some pretty cute moments, which I saved and send to Shawn. But there were also some mean things... I tried just ignoring them. A lot of things were about me not deserving him and that I was trapping him with me during this pandemic and that I'm keeping him away from his family. It made me feel guilty... a lot. I looked over at him. He was on his phone himself, texting, probably his mom. He must miss her a lot. I am in fact keeping him away from his family... he could spend this time at home... with his sister, his mom and dad... and here he is, stuck with my family and me. I read through the captions and it made me even sadder. I decided it was enough. I closed my phone and walked over to the bathroom. "I'm going to brush my teeth." I said before closing the door. I took out my toothbrush and started getting myself ready. When I had brushed my teeth, I just looked at myself in the mirror. I actually am a lot uglier than Shawn... he looks so handsome... I guess, sometimes I realize that I am really not enough for him. A quiet tear escaped out of my left eye, signaling sadness, but I quickly wiped it away. I then walked back into the bedroom and without looking at Shawn I laid down on my side, tuning my back towards him, turned off the light and whispered a small good night. He was still on his phone and I could tell he was confused but he didn't say anything. I tried to force myself to sleep so I could forget about the things I had just read and my feelings.

After a few minutes I felt Shawn stands up, grabbing both our bowls and leaving the room quietly. As soon as the room was empty, I let a few more tears escape from my eyes. I even let out a small sob but quickly wiped the tears away, when I heard Shawn come closer to my room. I then just let sleep overcome me, not even bothering to intertwine our hands or legs. I hate times when I just push Shawn away for no reason at all. The day was so, so good and it ended like this... me distancing from him without him knowing why. He didn't even do anything wrong. I just was feeling so guilty that I was keeping him away from his family.


Oh no....

I think that this is how hate affects celebrities... sometimes they just believe what people say online... and its sad...

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