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I wasn't planning on updating today but I was really surprised how much you liked the first chapter 🤍 thank you for all your support!
Let me know what you think!

Camila's POV

I lifted my head up from the pillow when I heard my phone ding. I just laid here for 1 and a half hour and by now it was 11:45 pm. I stretched out my arm to reach for my phone and saw two messages. One from Shawn and one from Roger. I first tapped on Shawns, obviously. 'Hey baby... I know :( But please don't cry! It kills me, knowing that you are crying and I can' be there and hold you... I promise we can talk soon, but for now please rest. You must have had an exhausting day. I love you more than words can say, baby....' I miss him so much... and knowing that I eventually won't be able to see him for a few months is really breaking me. And that message just gave me the rest. I, once again hurried my face in the pillow for a few minutes, bawling my eyes out again until I remembered that I had another message... hopefully I would at least be able to go back home.... I do not want to be here alone...

Roger (3minutes ago): Hello Camila! I just got the confirmation for your flight back to Miami! It's tomorrow at 3 pm in your time of course. I'll send you your dates and the boarding pass in a mail so you can just have it on your phone. I also arranged a taxi for you which will take you to the airport at 11 am. Please don't miss it! Send me a quick text when you get back to Miami: Have a safe flight Camila and is hi to your family from me!

Thank god... at least I will be able to get back home... I tapped on the new e-mail that had just come in from Roger and downloaded my boarding pass. I then put the ret of my things into my suitcase, took out some sweatpants and a shirt with a hoodie and threw it onto my now closed suitcase. That's what I'm wearing tomorrow. I got ready for bed and let myself fall into my warm blanket. The room did get pretty lonely sometimes... well actually it was lonely all of the time.

As soon as I got comfortable in bed, took my phone once again and texted my mom my flight dates for tomorrow. The flight would take around 10 hours and I was really dreading the flight... I am so scared of flying... and on top of that, I would be flying alone. 10 hours. But at least I had a first class seat alone, luckily no strangers next to me, I would get even more nervous. Thanks Roger. When I sent her the dates, I plugged in my phone to the charger and fell asleep... or at least tried. The thought of Shawn still hadn't left my mind. I was bawling my eyes out again. Not seeing Shawn was... draining me.

Shawn's POV

Almost two hours had passed since I had talked to Sinu and I already talked to my family. The want what's best for me and they know that I would be really sad, not being able to be with Camila fo so long. So they let me go. Now, I was just waiting for Sinus go so I could finally book my flight out to Miami. I had already started to pack two suitcases so if I really would be able to go I would just have to book a quick flight and go.

My phone ringing woke me up from my short slumber in the sun. I had been laying in our garden, getting a bit of sun after meditating. I took my phone and saw a message from Sinu. I quickly sat up, not hesitating to immediately tap on the message.

Sinu (just now): Hello Shawn! I have news from Camila! She sent me her flight dates and she leaves at 3 pm in London that means it will be 10 am for us. The flight takes 10 hours so you would have plenty of time to get here since you flight is pretty short. She will arrive here at 8pm. It would be nice if you could get here earlier so we can pick her up together... Just let me know your dates... I am happy that you are staying over with us. You are part of the family, Shawn! We all love you. See you soon.

My smile grew bigger as soon as I read that she will be able to go home...and that I would be able to surprise her. I texted her that I would be searching for a flight right now and that I would call her later.

I walked inside, up to my room and opened my laptop. I just need a flight from Toronto to Miami... as soon as possible...it would be pretty expensive booking a flight last minute but Mila is definitely worth it. And after only looking for a few minutes, I found one. Very damn expensive, but I can afford that. It would be... tonight at 2 am... I would arrive in Miami at 6 am. I definitely don't want them to pick me up at that time. I would just take a taxi. They are already doing enough. Since it was only 7 pm, I would have some time to prepare myself and pack the rest of my stuff. I sent Sinu a message and added my booked flight, saying than I insist on taking a taxi, and when she texted me that she was happy and waiting for me, I happily jumped up from my bed, finishing my bags. I would see Camila... finally... and for more than only a few days.

Camila's POV

I rubbed my eyes. They were hurting really bad and I was pretty sure that they were red and puffy. I cried the whole night, I just couldn't stop thinking about not seeing Shawn... My head was hurting just as bad as my eyes and the first thing I did when I stood up was taking a pill for my headache. I then quickly got ready, pulled on my sweatpants and the shirt with the hoodie, before gathering my stuff and leaving for the lobby. The taxi would arrive in 10 minutes so I sat down and waited after checking out. I pulled on the hood of my hoodie and some dark big sunglasses. They should not only hide my identity but also my red, puffy eyes.

When I entered the stuffed airport, I quickly searched for my gate and waited for my flight. Tons of pictures were already taken of me when I entered the airport but luckily there were no paparazzis allowed at the gates. I was really tired, since I had no sleep during the night. I probably wouldn't be able to sleep during the flight so I would be drained and exhausted when I landed in Miami. My dad will be picking me up there.

I was now sitting in the plane. The flight was full of people and it was really loud. So the first thing I did was putting in my headphones and listening to calm music. I was so nervous. Flying alone? A horror. The flight attendants checked the cabins, made their usual announcements. Of course people too pictures of me, passing by my seat, me entering the plane, me sitting at the gate and so on... but I was used to it. As soon as I would open any kind of social media, pictures of my would be all around the internet. I get a lot go hate... but I try to deal with it... try.... I have a dark history with hate. But no one really knows... Shawn does though... but also... Matthew.

The flight was exhausting and I was so close to falling asleep while waiting for my bags. I wasn't able to sleep for one second. I cried again during the flight but had my sunglasses on the whole flight. My eyes were hurting even more now... but that was okay. I would be at home in a few hours. When I took my bags, I walked to the separate exit where no people were waiting apart from my dad... and Sofi. When I was them I let go of my bags and embraced them both in a tight hug. When my dad put his arms around me and kissed my head I started crying once again. This gesture just reminds me so much of Shawn. "Camila... finally you're home... but why are you crying?" he asked concern. Sofi was tightly holding my hand which I really appreciated. "I just.... I miss Shawn so much.... I won't be able to see hem for a long time papá... I just... I miss him... a lot..." I cried into his shoulder. "Ai Camila...it is going to be okay.... but first lets get home, alright? You must be tired... and its already late..." He said, pulling back, taking both my hands while Sofi lead me to our car. I sat in the back seat so I would rest a little until we get home. They put on calm music so it wouldn't be too quiet... I closed my eyes, pulled off my sunglasses and my hood and leaned against the window, closing my eyes to finally get a little rest. These next few weeks will be really exhausting.


Still interested in reading this book?

Next chapter will be... jk, I will not tell you haha

But I'm inserting a question of the day hahah
Q: What phone do you have!
A: I have an Iphone 11 🙃

Maybe I'm going to add those questions more often! If you want.... so we can start small talks haha

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