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Happy 10 months to my favorite couple🥺🥺🥺 I mean.... look at them 🥺❤️ I am MELTING an watch that cute video of them 😭😭 I am crying

Camila's POV

I woke up to my phone vibrating on my bedside table. I groaned, grabbing my phone and looking at the contact before answering.

C: Hello? Roger?

R: Good morning Camila, I'm sorry to wake you up so soon but I have news about the tour... and they are not good at all.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew it.

C: Yeah...What is it?...

I was really nervous but it was probably the worst.

R: Yeah well... unfortunately it well have to be canceled Camila.... I am really sorry but there I nothing we can do... the time just won't be enough to practice... no matter how long this quarantine continues...

As soon as these words left his mouth, I broke down crying but I tried to be quiet. Shawn was still sleeping.

C: o- okay... well... thank you....I- I will p-ut out a statement...soon

R: Alright... I'm sorry, Camila... Bye...

C: Bye...

I said quietly before hanging up. Shoot... what am I going to tell my fans... they will be really, really disappointed in me. I sobbed into my hands, y stomach and back pains making it even worse. my whole body shook and unfortunately it woke Shawn up. "Mila? What's up?" he asked, looking over my shoulder. I just continued sobbing, not able to form words right now. I was so, so sad about my tour. I was really looking forward to it... it was almost sold out... so many countries... so many people... my album.... everything... so much preparation for nothing... "Baby talk to me...." he whispered again, sitting up and putting hi hand on my cheek. I looked up at him, wiping my tears away but they immediately came again. "Hey... come here." he said, opening his arms for me to get in. I sat up before slowly letting myself fall inso his embrace. He wrapped me into his arms, kissing my head and whispering sweet things into my ear. I knew I wanted to tell him... but I just couldn't right now. "Tell me when you're ready, okay?" I nodded. He drew circles Ono my back while still sitting in bed, covered by blankets. I don't know how to feel exactly...

After a few minutes and after calming down, I pulled myself away from him and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. It made me tear up again. He is so sweet to my.... how did I get here? With him? I embraced him tightly before gathering words to tell him what Roger had just told me. "I- I... Rodger j-just called me...." I said stuttering. "Calm down... don't pressure yourself, I'm not going anywhere." He said sweetly, making me cry again. "h- how did I deserve... deserve you..." I cried into his chest. My emotions were all over the place. "Shhhh...." he said, stroking my hair softly. After a few minutes I pulled away again and started explaining. "So... Roger just... just called. My tour... it... it is cancelled... Shawn... it's cancelled...." I cried again. "Oh no... baby...." he said, putting his head on top of mine. I then felt another cramp, making me pull out from Shawn's embrace. "I'm going to the bathroom real quick." I said, slowly standing up. I felt something weird on my bottom. I looked back to the bed, feeling incredibly embarrassed, my face growing hot. "Shit..." I mumbled. Shawn understood and stood up. From embarrassment, tears had started rolling down my face. "Oh god... I'm sorry.... " I said, quickly walking over to the bed, not really knowing what to do. This had never happened with Shawn by my side. No...no...no... that was everything that was going through my head. "I-I... " "Mila, come here.. it's ok..." He said. I walked around the bed to his side as he wrapped me in his arms. "Mila this is totally okay.... how about... you go take a bath and I take care of this?" He suggested. "You don't have to... I can do this... I just need to..." "No, you go take a bath. I want you to relax a bit. You have a lot going on right now. I will take care of this. And I am definitely not mad." he said, kissing my temple. "Come" he lead me to the other bathroom where we had a bit tub with some bubble massage things. I just stood by the door as I watched him fill the tub with warm water and some bubbles. I love him... he is so understanding.... not like... I don't even want t think about it.

"Alright baby, get in there, relax and take your time. You want some Musik?" he asked, looking up at me after finishing filling up the tub. I nodded shyly. He nodded and walked outside, probably to my room to grab his bluetooth speaker. I took off my hoodie and my dirty pants, standing in front of the mirror in only my panties which I couldn't take off just yet. Shawn knocked and after giving him a small 'Yeah' he opened the door. He had the speaker and my phone in one hand and in the other hand a pile of my clothes. "Here. Put on whatever you want." He said, giving me the speaker and my phone, whiter were already connected. "I guess you want to dress comfortable today so I brought you these loose shorts, underwear and one of my shirt. Oh... and a pad." he said shyly. I love this man... I walked over to him, getting on my tippy toes and kissing his lips softly. "You are literally perfect. I love you" I said smiling slightly. "YOU are perfect baby." he smiled back at me. "Okay so, I'm going to leave you alone now. Take your time, babe. I'm going to take care of your bed, don't worry. Afterwards we can eat breakfast if you feel like it." "Thank you" I whispered, before he left the room, closing the door softly behind him. I grabbed my phone, picking out a relaxing playlist. I then took of the rest I had on and got into the tub with bubbles, closing my eyes and relaxing. My cramps hadn't gotten better at all... it was only day 2. I listened to the calm music and let sleep take over me, again.

Shawn's POV

I felt so bad for Mila. She was so sad when she heard about the tour being cancelled and it was now my duty taking care of her. I want her to be happy. And then that incident in bed... she was so embarrassed but she didn't need to. It was nothing to be ashamed of. It was completely normal and I don't understand why she was so scared and embarrassed. I don't even want to know what had happened in the past... I knew some things.... but not everything but I was totally okay with it. I don't want her to feel pressured. So I stayed patient and waited for her to be ready to tell me everything. All I knew so far was that thee had happened some... pretty fu*ked up things.

I took out new bedding and took the dirty one off, throwing them on the floor. She had a lot of pillows, which I gently put on the ground next to the bed. I pulled off the fluffy blanket and the other one, putting another fluffy blanket on her bed and another normal one. I changed the rest and made the bed nicely again so it looked comfortable. When I was satisfied I brought the dirty things downstairs and put them into the washing machine. On the way back up I walked by the kitchen, meeting Alejandro. "Ai Shawn. Are you liking it here? We never really got to talk about it." he said nicely. I smiled "I am really liking it here. Thank you a lot for letting me stay here. Really. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't stay with Mila." I told him, which made him laugh this time. "Oh Shawn, I don't even know if Camila would have been able to be here with you. You should have seen her in the car and at the airport. She was miserable." "I could tell tell by her voice on the phone... but she was really happy when she saw me." "I know. She has a huge smile on her face ever since you got her... well actually, since you re- entered her life Shawn. Thank you for being there with her." he smiled, patting my back. "Of course, thank you for letting me." I smiled back. He then walked back outside and I walked to the kitchen counter, preparing a tea for Mila. I knew she probably wouldn't want to eat due to her cramps but she always liked tea. So I made two cups, one for myself and cut a piece of lemon, putting it into our cups. I carried the cups upstairs and placed it on the bedside table. I then got ready for the day, changing into some loose shorts and a tank top before sitting down at Mila's desk and checking my mails on my Mac I had brought with me. I had a mail from TogetherAtHome. They were asking if Camila and I could maybe prepare a song to sing the next few weeks. I wouldn't give an answer without talking to Camila first so I just closed the mails again and put on some music, waiting for Mila to get out of her bath.


Mila baby...

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