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The pool and sea pictures make me weak🤤

Camila's POV

I really wanted to talk to him about it but half way through the movie I fell asleep.

Shawn's POV

I felt her hand slowly drifting from mine and when I looked over, she was sleeping. I closed the laptop and put it on the floor next to me. I kissed her forehead before pulling the blanket over her body. I then took my phone. I needed to check what was going on on twitter. I was logged in into Mila's twitter. Her parents had given me the permission, especially in this time. I had her instagram anyways and she knew I had it. Sometimes she makes stories with my phone. She actually hates social media because of all the hate she gets... but this was way worse. I tapped on the twitter icon and it brought me to my Twitter. I usually am not really active on there... just like Camila. When I checked my notifications and mentions and saw nothing interesting so I switched to Camila's account... and it wasn't half as calm as mine. She had almost million mentions and tags and I tapped on one. It was, once again, about her racist statement. I scrolled through... hate, hate, hate. Oh god... this is horrible... not only for her... also for myself. How can people say so bad things about the most lovely person on this planet? I then saw another mention. It was a news account, announcing that Camila apparently was preparing something for her fans, which was true. She was actually working on two things, one thing being a remix and a dance for 'MY oh my'. The post was actually sweet, saying that Camila was working on something amazing for her fans but the replies and comments were horrible. It was all about her being a ... racist. I scrolled through... seeing a horrible edit which broke my heart. I hope Mila never has to see this... never ever.

What the heck?! I reported the post, hoping to not see anything like this again. But as I scrolled down another time, my hopes were crushed... People were speculating about what she was working on and with who and the really did this...

How? How can people be so cruel? Why? I am not a huge fan of 6ix 9ine... I know he dropped some... pretty bad words... but it is not comparable with what Camila did... she only said a bad thing with... 16... she was 16 and it was one time. One. Time. I am... at a loss of words. I saw a few more hurtful posts... and they brought tears into my eyes... and I started crying quietly, while Mila was sleeping peacefully, not knowing what was going on.

She apologized... what do the want more?  There was so much going on on twitter... things I didn't want to see at all and things Camila should never see... please...this would affect her so much and I know it... I remember how broken she was when she called me after Matthew... got angry at her...

I wiped my tears away, closing the app and putting my phone back onto my night stand, pulling Mila in to my body. I need to protect her... I need to make sure she is okay. If it's affecting me... how is Mila going to deal with this? I know she has issues with... a bad mental health... we were working through it together... she had been seeing a therapist... we've been working on it together by meditating.... she's been doing a bit better since we've been meditating... and this would be a... complete reset in her progress... and I was really worried of that happening. I closed my eyes... sleep overtaking me with... bad thought... and that lead to a nightmare...

Camila's POV

I opened my eyes, feeling movement next to me. Shawn was moving in his sleep... a lot. I turned around, seeing tears on his cheek. "Shawn...Shawn..." I tried waking him up. He was having a nightmare. I only saw him have one once... When I had told him what Matthew did... never again though, so it was worrying me. It was early in the morning I could tell, sun was coming to behind the houses. He didn't wake up, so I sat up in bed, placing my hands on his shoulder, shaking him softly. "Shawn.... wake up." I said a little louder. When he didn't wake up, I decided kissing his lips... a bit with force. I pressed my lips to his, tasting the salty tears. I pulled away and he stopped moving around. "Shawn..." he slowly opened his eyes. "Shawn." I let out a relieved sigh and threw my hands around him. "Mila... you're okay... you're okay..." he whispered into my ear, holding me close to his body and pressing a kiss to me temple. What did he dream about. "I am Shawn..." I felt him squeeze my body, worrying me a bit. "Shawn... what was your dream about?" he seemed... pretty shaken up... "I... I just- It was about you... about loosing you..." he said, sobbing into my neck. I let my hand slide up to his hair, playing with his curls, knowing it calms him down. "You will never loose me... Shawn... never." I reassured him. "You never know... Mila... people can be... horrible..." he said with a shaky voice. I pulled back a bit, looking into his eyes, seeing tears roll down his cheeks. This time it was my turn to kiss his tears away. I love every side of him... I love how he can be vulnerable around me... he cries around me... he is not scared to show his emotions and I love that about him. "Shawn... I love you..." "I love you too baby..." he said. I pulled him back into my neck, wanting him to calm down and fall back asleep, which he did after a few minutes. I continued playing with his curls as his head was buried in my neck and his arms around my body, holding me close.

"Shawn" I whispered, feeling hungry. "I'm hungry..." he was awake but really sleepy. "Hmm I'm tired... I want to stay in bed..." he whined. "Should I get us breakfast in bed? I mean... I owe you" I smiled, caressing his cheek. "You don't owe me anything baby... but you can still get us breakfast in bed." "Alright baby... I'll be right back." I smiled, kissing his lips and pulling the blanket off my body. The weather wasn't too good today, clouds blocking the sun. I walked over to Shawn's part of the closet, pulling out a hoodie and pulling it over my underwear. I opened the door quietly and walked down to the kitchen.

"Buenos días, Hija" my mom greeted me. "Is everything alright?" she asked me. "Yes? Why?" I was a bit confused. "I walked past your room today and I heard you talking... was Shawn... crying?" she asked. "He... yeah... he was..." I said, not sure what to tell her. "Why? You didn't fight, right?" "No, no mama... everything is alright... I think..:" "You think?" she asked confused. Should I tell her? "Mama? Are you hiding something from me?" I finally asked. "What? ...Why should we?" I noticed the short pause, telling me that she was lying at me. I nodded, disappointed. My family is hiding something from me... "I'm going to prepare breakfast for Shawn and me..." I said quietly, turning around and getting some things for us to eat. I prepared a cup of coffee for Shawn and some tea for myself. I put a few toasts on our plates and some spreads for our toast. I then quietly grabbed the tray and turned around, walking into my room. Shawn was laying in on the bed, his phone in his hand. When he heard me close the door behind me he set the phone back down and wiped his cheek. Was he crying? "Shawn? You okay?" I asked, walking closer to the bed, setting the tray in the middle of the bed. "Y-Yeah... just something I saw online, but it's nothing bad." He chuckled. "I'm just very emotional after the nightmare." he smiled softly. He was lying. I could see it in his eyes. My whole family is lying at me... "Okay..." I sigh, sitting down on the bed. "This looks great, baby... thank you." he said, taking the cup of coffee, sipping on it. "Thanks..." I said quietly, starting to eat as well.


Oh man....

Those posts made me.... angry! WHY ARE THERE POSTS LIKE THIS? I have so much more... I don't know if I will drop them in this story... probably yes...  I had tears in my eyes when I saw this...

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