In The Wood's

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We got deeper and deeper into the forest every minute. Running as fast as we could until we had no breath left. (panting heavily) "I think we're far enough." I said. "Agreed!" Sally responded. We then looked around. there was a cave to our left that went deep underground, there was a mountain a little ways further and then a lake through the trees. We decided that we would set up camp and get some wood, then go and look around while there would still be light. "Then after a good share of tired looks we added a rest before everything else. "gggggrrrooooaaaaannnnnn...." We both said as we flopped to the ground. Now looking at the sky I asked, "Sally?" "Yes Carson." "What are we going to do out here? I mean, like how are we going to survive?" "The same way we did in the games, conquering anything and everything that gets in our way." "And Sally?" "Yes Carson." If we get out of this mess alive, can you take care of me as like, a step mom?" "*giggle* Of course! where else would you go?" "ooooohhhhhh I don't know maybe I'd go cause trouble at some other houses!" *both giggle* "Do you want some pork?" Sally offered. "Na.
I feel like something else... Something liiikkkeee beef!"
"Hhhmmm Maybe we'll see a cow later when we go out looking off the mountain."
"Ya... maybe..." Sally and I got up and went to collect some wood for later usage from a tree, when we were done that we headed towards the mountain carefully marking our way with wooden planks so we could find our way back to the cave. There was a small flat top with one tree at the top and a beautiful sunset just beginning. "Wow..." I said as I let my head rest on Sally's shoulder. "You know Carson?" "What?" I said. I think that we're going to like it here." "Maybe." I replied. "Maybe...."

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