Happy Birthday!

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I woke up a little earlier than usual, probably because I was so excited for my 13 birthday! I woke up Sally with my excitement. "Sally! Sally! It's my birthday!" "Already morning?..." "Ya! Let's go have some cake!" "But it's so early... Just one more hour..."
"Come on!" I waited a minute but Seeing that Sally had already fallen back asleep I decided to lay in my bed and wait... a few seconds, "Ahh! I don't want to wait!" I then went to the kitchen to prepare my birthday. "I feel temptation taking over..." I said to myself. "I have a cake sitting in front of me, and a whole hour to go, I got to distract myself or there's going to be a missing cake. Hmm I wonder when I was born, at night or morning? Or even the day." I never asked my mom. I sat on my chair (shifted) and eventually got so bored trying to think of the answer that I fell asleep. The next thing I know Sally's standing over me. "Happy Birthday! Sleepyhead!" "Oh... Is it my turn to be sleepy?" "Hahaha! get up! I'm hungry!" Sally then gave me half the cake and gave herself half. "look's good Sally! Let's try it!" I said still sleepy. We both took a bite that put a smile on our faces. "Mmmmm! I never new I could cook so well!" "Mmmmm! Well, I think that your the official cook of the house!" "Maybe, but I still have lots of stuff I need to do, like clean the house, store our stuff properly, take care of the cows, harvest the fo-" "I can help!" I interrupted. "I've got nothing else to do!" "Ya but you already have chores! you have to gather wood, and craft stuff!" "Well, ya.. I guess we will decide later. Right now we have to go to the cave and find some iron!" "Ok!" Sally said finishing the remaining her remaining cake. We grabbed our stuff and I led Sally to the cave, it was a little bit of a hike but we managed. "Well, in we go!" I said. and into the cave we ventured.
P.S There dogs were taken at the end of the games, which is why they don't have any anymore.

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