Day 6

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I woke up in our new house that the villagers gave us earlier the day before. "Mmmmmm, Sally?" I moaned. Sally lay motionless. I checked her heartbeat. "Fast and strong..." I said to myself. "she must be tired, staying up all last night trying to find someone who could help me." I got up and went over to the stoves that were built into the house. They were all filled with fuel (coal). I took 2 of Sally's pork chops and put them in the stove to cook. When they were done I sat down and read the map the villagers had in the library while eating the pork chops. I could see a large canyon on the map and decided that we would head there next. When I finished the pork chops I went to the blacksmiths to collect our new sets of armor. "Ahh, good morning my young hero! what might I do for you?" "I was wondering if you finished my armor?" I asked. "Certainly! I also have your wonderful friends armor! the other blacksmith dropped it off to me later this morning, me being closer, we figured you would come here first." "Why thank you." "No problem, and boy?" "Yes" I answered. "That girl you travel with, if your the last two, what are you going to do?" "*sigh* I'm not sure... She has a kid that she needs to take care of, me they killed my mom, and my father left her, I'm an only child, literally now." "I think we both know what's the right thing to do." he said. "*sigh* I know, but it won't be easy." "I know you will do the right thing, I can see it in your eyes, you wouldn't have it any other way." "Thank you for the armor" "your welcome sonny, and boy! Good luck." "....Thank you, for the armor." "What am, I going to do." I thought to myself.
"Hey Sally!" I said as I walked into the house. "Hi Carson!" "I put what I got from those two women on the table here." "Hmmm" I said. "there's a map for each of us. 2 iron swords and 1 bow that we can give to the chief villager. There's also 2 arrows each. Was there any food?" I finished with. "Well... I was so hungry from very little eating yesterday, that I ate it all." "Well that's fine, we still have lots of food..." I said. "Ya I guess..." "Well I think it's time to get going! I was thinking that we would go to the canyon over near the end of the map." "Sure" said Sally. "Just let me go drop off this bow." I walking out the door with her and followed her to the library were they kept all their stuff given to them by their "heroes". Sally went to go hang the bow and I went to return the map I took out. "By the way, have you seen anyone looking rather suspicious?" Asked the librarian. "Why?" I asked. "Well, the blacksmiths went to check in there chests earlier and found all there stuff gone!" "Ohhh..., um no nothing suspicious." I replied remembering it was me who took the stuff that was missing. "You coming Carson?" Sally asked. "Uhh Yes!" I replied. "Where you going know?" The librarian asked. "We decided to go to the canyon." "Hmmm be careful we wouldn't want our Heros falling of a cliff!" She told us as I walked out the door. "Come on Carson! we better hurry if we want to make it by nightfall." And so our journey began. "Sally?" "Yes Carson." "How many times have yo-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"(TNT) (Ten tributes remain) "Who was that!?" Sally asked. "I don't know but the scream came from over there." I pointed to a small cave. "Lets go." Sally said. It wasn't a big cave but when we got about 50 blocks in we could hear two people talking, I peaked over the piece of stone sticking out of the ground to see two people taking by a pit of lava. "We got to get out of here! someone might have heard that girl scream!" "But we don't have anything to fight with! It's best to just wait till the last people get hungry and die of starvation, we have lots of food so we can outlast them!" The other person responded with. *shuffle* "Wait did you hear that?" "Yeah..." Quick! they'll kill us anyway and get our stuff! Go into the lava!*both jump into lava*" "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! IT BURNS!!!!!"(TNT)(9 people left)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" (TNT) (8 people left) "NO!!!!" I yelled as I ran to the lava pit. *whimpering on knees* "Why.. why Sally why! why do so many people have to die... For one mans pleasure! Why...." "There are cruel people in this world Carson, cruel enough to put others to death for joy, just remember that there are good people to. *sigh* Let's go." As I followed Sally out of the cave I didn't want to come out of here alive. To much to bear... to much..... "We should camp here, we will never make it to the canyon by night now." I said to Sally. "Fine." She replied. We went back into the cave and Sally took first watch.

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