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It had been two days, today was Chiefs funeral, and by the looks of it, we weren't attending it anytime soon... "Well! That went well! Nice plan Sally!" "Oh! So your just gonna blame this all on me now huh? I didn't do anything wrong, I went into the office found the documents, tried to find some dirt on Chief and then he came bursting through the door... Because YOU failed to distract him!" "This is stupid, we aren't going to get anywhere like this, arguing won't do us anything." I heard Carson say, I don't know why but I felt a sense of anger come over me along with nervousness. But to hide my nervousness I yelled at Carson even more. "I don't care what's going to fix what!! I am just so mad at you! You ungrateful pig! I got my but in that office just so I could find information for you!" The anger and nervousness left me and I was now filled with guilt. Carson was beginning to cry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I was just so angry, I don't know where it came from... I'm sorry...." Carson then said to me with his mind powers to avoid showing his choked up voice. "I know, but you really can't just go yelling at me like this, It's not going to fix anything, arguments just destroy." "I know Carson, I'm sorry, I just don't know... I'm so stressed right now." "Alright *sniff* apology accepted, I think I know how to get us out of here. It's a long shot but you never know..." Carson walked up to the gate and looked around there was a guard sitting in the chair a few cells down. Carson pulled down his pants and started peeing on the floor, that's right you heard me, peeing on the floor! "Carson! What are you doing! Pull up your pants!" The guard looked over to see what the commotion was and saw a steady stream of yellow coming out of our cell. "Hey! What are you doing?!" He got up and started speed walking over to us until he was standing right by our cell, obviously doing his best to avoid the splashing pee. "The toilets over there!!" He said. Carson finally finished, pulled up his pants and then suddenly reached through the bars and grabbed the guard, pulled him towards us so his head hit the iron bars. He fell to the ground unconscious, unfortunately for him in a puddle that you really don't want to play in. Carson reached through the bars and grabbed a pair of keys hanging on the guards belt. "No way!" Sally said trying her best to hold back her laughter. "Where the hell did you see that stupid trick!?" "In a book" "I told you it was a long shot but it worked." "So now where are we going smarty PANTS?" "We have a funeral to attend, but first, we better dress up." Sally and I ran to the evidence locker, this is where everything was put that had been confiscated from criminals put in jail. It was locked but our keys got us in. "Ok dress up, diamond armour, enchanted sword, a bow would be nice." In the end we both had full diamond with an enchanted diamond sword each and Sally had been entrusted with the bow. "Ready?" "Ready" I replied. "Oh and Carson, thanks." I could see where this was going so I was the one to make the first move, I moved in and kissed her on the lips. I didn't blush, I must be getting used to this. We headed off to the funeral. First we had to get past some guards. It wasn't that hard, by the looks of it, they were used to this boring life of sitting around all day with nothing to do, it was a small town, so there were little people to make trouble, almost everyone knew each other. They were In a very lazy mood. Once we got out we headed for the funeral. Once we got there we could see Chief standing at a podium saying some words about the old Chief, the true Chief. We crept up behind the stage. Then hopped on, I ran up to Chief and put my sword to his neck Sally pulled out what she had found in the office. "You have all been lied to! Your HeadMaster cheated to get his position! I have the evidence right here!" She put down the papers so that everyone could get a good look at them. Even the guards from the funeral were curious! I was surprised they didn't attack us, maybe it's because they had no chance against our diamond armour. "The difference between these papers is the signature, one has one the other one doesn't" then suddenly someone yelled from the crowd. "How do we know you didn't just make these up? You have a sword to our Chiefs neck, you run in here like your prepared for a battle!" "Your chief hid the evidence! We went into his office and discovered these letters in his trash!!!" "What were you doing in his office snooping around?" I looked at him and couldn't help but notice his finger twitching... Just like Gershwin's during the election... Ahh, I'm overthinking this. Just focus on the task at hand. "We had reason to suspect that he had been part of this, which he had been" "And what if we don't believe you?..." "I do!" Rocky stepped out of the crowd and faced the audience, good old Rocky! "They're my neighbours, they are very good people. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't give them a chance to explain themselves. I looked down and I noticed that Chiefs hand was shaking, and he was very unfocused. He also appeared to be getting very angry, I though that this might be normal, considering he has a sword to his neck. The man that was opposing our claim earlier now bursted out in rage, he ran up on the stage. He was coming at me. "STOP!!" Sally had her bow drawn, he stopped only for a second to see what weapon was pointed at him, then he continued running. Sally shot him. He fell down on the stage dead. Then Chief made his scene, he tried to escape. Unsuccessful he now had multiple cuts on his neck, he was bleeding out, suffocating, I pulled my sword back and looked down trying to stop him from dying, If I'm going to try and convince a crowd, it doesn't look good if it looks like I killed the Chief... even though I hated him for lying, he didn't need to die for it. He looked at me and was loosing hearts quickly. "Break... The... Beacons.... *cough* Stop.. The... Influence..." And then he died.

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