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Starting on Carson.

"What other powers do I have? How long have I had them?...."
Grr? Rough?....
"Let's go get our stuff guys.. it's morning, the villagers should have have our stuff ready"
*As Carson enters the village with his newly tamed dogs all the villagers back away slowly being scared*
"Don't worry my friends! My dogs are tamed and friendly"
"We have finished making and redesigning your armour/weapons, did you have to use our weapons?"
"No I was left alone last night.. Except I discovered something about myself that is not normal... I can talk to people a distance aways... And so many other things.. I can feel it but I just don't know how..."
"Hmmm... We may have something in our library on you... I'm not sure.. But for know you must go out and beat Herobrine.. We wish you as much luck as we can, if you win come back to us and we will properly help you, we don't know much about you but we will try to help you"
"I thank you.. I do hope to come back here, I need answers..."

Hey guys sorry it's a short chapter but I have been very busy this week.

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