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I couldn't believe what I had found! How did, why did he? "Sally!" I yelled until I realized that I was the loudest person. I didn't want to cause any disruption, none the less draw attention to my findings. "Sally can you come here a second please." She walked over I held her hand and we casually went for a walk in the park, Gershwin, whom she had been talking to before I pulled her away was starring at us with curiosity. I waited until we were far away from the crowd then I pulled the letter that I had found and showed it to her, she gasped. "No, he wouldn't? Would he, how could he cheat!" The letter I had found had been the exact same as the one the announcer read, except that it wasn't Gershwin's name, it was ours. We weren't 100% sure about our findings, it had a signature and everything but we hadn't seen the other one, so we couldn't compare them. We decided to talk to Chief about it. When we got into his office he could see that something was bothering us. "What can I do for you two lovebirds, and by the way, I'm sorry that you two didn't win the election, you had my vote." It's not over yet!" I started. "We found something." Added Sally, "Well, Carson found it that is, we're not sure if our suspicions are true, but it's worth a shot." I pulled out the letter and showed it to Chief. He looked at it with a surprised expression. "Where did you find this again?" Asked the Chief. Chiefs assistant was also beginning to get curious, and was trying to peak at the letter. "Assistant, this is private business, I'm going to have to excuse you for the moment. The assistant bowed politely and left the room. After he left I told him. "I found it by a garbage can in the park." "Well... We should be able to check the voting records along with the letter that was read at the announcement." Said the Chief. He asked us to leave this to rest until tomorrow, he didn't want us to worry like this on our wedding day. We said our thanks for what he was doing for us and left. The Chief invited his assistant back in and before we saw him come back in he was sealing an envelope and handing it to someone.

What do you guys think of the assistant? And what do you think about Gershwin cheating on the election?

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