District 11

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"Carson, we gotta go, I just can't stay here any longer! This place, my baby... I just can't take the memories" "That's ok, I understand, my nightmares are worse when I'm here" I told her. "If you want we can leave right now, besides its almost morning." "Yes, that would be most appreciated, but you didn't sleep at ALL! Last night, you sleep for a while we can't have you trudging around all day we need to be vigilant" I told her. "Ok..." after a couple more hours of sleep we packed our stuff and were on our way. We walked for a long time heading to were we had last heard district 11 was (we heard guards talking about it on the train ride "home") By the time we got their it was getting dark and we hadn't eaten in so long. We ate some bread and went into the district trying to find someone who would take us in. Unfortunately, everyone thought we were the cause of district 12's fall and threatened to get the district guards. Finally we found an area that was full of garbage, it looked quiet and safe. tonight we both slept because we were unbelievably tired.

Sorry I know it was a short chapter but I had a little bit of time and put something quickly together.

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