Home Sweet Home

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"So.. where do we start?" I asked as Sally and I looked at the space we had cleared for our house. "Hmmm... How about the kitchen?" "Ya... Then we can cook while we work." Me and Sally then got to work. We made a floor base and set down some furnaces to create some glass which would later be turned into glass panes. We weren't to happy having to kill so many sheep but with the lack shears, we had to. In the end we had a bedroom that would be attached to the kitchen. The kitchen would have the only doors leading to the outside and our bedroom would be only two blocks high so that endermen could not come into our room at night. We have an attic for storing unsorted stuff that is right above our kitchen, we built ladders to get to it. We have a pen near our house that we'll bring cows into with hay for milk. On the opposite side of the doors to the bedroom (walk into kitchen turn left to bedroom or turn right to this room) there will be a room that's full of crafting tables, furnaces, and chests for storing and smelting/crafting things. Outside there is a garden that can be made larger or smaller at any time and there is also the pen for the cows or other animals. After 2 and a half hard days of work we slept in our beds for a long and well deserved sleep.
Wow! My masterpiece house!😃

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