Beacon Destruction

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Saturday, ugh... I can't wait for tomorrow. Carson thought to himself. Sunday I don't have to wake up at seven in the morning... I turned over to go wake up Sally. She was already up. I walked around the temple trying to find her. I finally found her sitting on the steps holding her stomach, it was quite large now, babies in Minecraft for humans only take about a week, so she was estimated to give birth tomorrow, on the other hand animals only take seconds. I sat beside her. "Life has gone by so fast." She told me. "The hunger games, Herobrine, this, all in under a year, I never had so much adventure, it's almost overwhelming to think about it..." "I know." I finally responded. "You forgot something though." "What?" "You fell in love with a boy and are supposed to have a child tomorrow." She began to laugh. "Not just any boy, the best most amazingly handsome boy in the world." We smiled and kissed. We went back into the temple. I had to go and get rid of this beacon, and then we had both agreed that Sally would chain herself to the wall so we would be away from each other and not hurt each other. The effects could be really bad, I was going to go and study the obsidian. I found the middle of the temple, it was right under the table the police had set up earlier. After I moved the table I broke the sandstone until I reached a beacon. I was curious of how the influence could get through the sandstone. Whatever. I thought to myself. I broke the beacons and under it I found iron, just like the other one. I broke it all and put it in my inventory. I could here Sally click her shackles closed, I was the only one who had a key, but not on me, it was placed in the main room on the table with the map. We had also agreed not to say anything for the rest of the day until I went to bed. That way we wouldn't say anything that would get the other person mad. She had enough room that she was comfortable and could move around the top floor, but still couldn't reach the key. I got to work almost instantly, and in no time I had the walls dug out and was staring at four obsidian chambers, the nice thing about living in Minecraft is that you don't have to worry about gravity unless the blocks are made of sand, gravel, etc. So even though the floor above me had no support, I was totally safe, the obsidian chambers where rather big, there was no way in, just like the officers had said. It was protected by some weird spell of a sort. I didn't know what to do. I decided to leave it for now and walk to the town. I went into the villages storage to put all the iron there along with the beacon. On my way back I went back to the prison to see how Gershwin was doing. As soon as I walked through the doors I could see Gershwin running down the halls, and not far behind 3 police officers, all the other officers where running to multiple exits to make sure he would not escape. I decided to join the chase. Why can't these officers just do there job!!? I thought to myself. Oh no, the anger is beginning, but at the same time I was almost glad, because I noticed that the anger was giving me extra strength, soon I had past the police officers! I kept running, down hallways, around corners, until I was finally close enough to get Gershwin. I jumped, grabbed his orange jumpsuit and landed on him, he landed on the ground. I was entirely out of breath but so was he, so all I needed to do was sit on him until the police came, he didn't even have enough strength to push me off. "You broke it!!" He said. "You promised!! Now we are all dead!! I was connected to that beacon. It was my friiiieeend.... Yes, and you killed my friend! I'll bet you killed the new Chiefs friend to, is that why he hasn't come to visit me!? BECAUSE MAYBE HES MAD TOO?, OR MAYBE HES IN JAIL!??!" I couldn't hold it back anymore. "YOUR BEACON IS GONE, HIS BEACON IS GONE, AND HE IS DEAD! HE TRIED TO ESCAPE FROM CAPTURE JUST LIKE YOU!! AND HE DIED!!" I felt kind of bad now, he didn't say anything else, he just stared in front of himself as if he had not point in life, like he was just waiting to die. No struggling, nothing. The police finally found us, Gershwin was a fast runner, and so was I in the moment, so we had gotten fairly far ahead of he police. Once they came in they handcuffed Gershwin and dragged him back to a new cell. I talked to the officers, trying to stay as calm as I could. "How did he escape?!" "We aren't really sure, he was in his cell for one minute, our officer went go get a snack and when he came back the cell lock was broken and he was seen running through the hallways. We had people go examine the lock while we where chasing him. Lets go see what they say." We got to his old cell, he was now being held in a newer cell with two officers at all time. "It looks like this cell lock was just smashed off. How did he do that!?" "I don't know. But I've got to get home. Sally is waiting for me, Literally!" "Ok, I'll tell you if we find anything else tomorrow." "Thank you!" I said. I ran home. It was getting dark, why where Minecraft days so short? I had let off a lot of steam at Gershwin. That probably wasn't a good idea, considering his mental condition. Ugh, another thing I would have to deal with tomorrow, but today I was going I have to deal with Sally. It was getting dark and she was not going to be happy being chained up that long. As soon as I got home I ran into the main room, she was on the floor struggling around. What the hell was she doing?! She must have heard me because she began to yell at me. "THE BABY IS COMING!" I was so surprised I almost forgot to help her. I ran over to the table, grabbed the key, unlocked Sally, who slapped me which I deserved, and ran all the way to the village carrying Sally. Once I got to the hospital the nurses took her and put her in an emergency room, a few minutes went by before I heard a little screech. I ran into the room, my wife was still pushing the baby through but I could see its head. I ran over to hold my wife's hand, I didn't care if I wasn't allowed in, this was my wife, and my baby, I was going to be there for this. After another few minutes the baby was finally out, it was a boy. We decided to call him Matthew. The baby was all healthy and because the delivery went well Sally wasn't hurt either. I went to bed that night and I was so happy, we had our first child, and tomorrow was a Sunday, so even though it was halfway through the night, I could still have a good sleep and sleep in.


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