Traveling With Sally

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I woke up on a piston that was facing upwards. I was lying down, I still had a pain in my arm but to me that didn't matter. What mattered to me was getting to the iron building in the middle and get what I could the bolt for my life. I could see the bedrock numbers in the sky counting down from 10, 9, 8.... I was so scared as it got closer to zero. I managed to yell to Sally and tell her to meet way back were we had planned in the training room earlier. That's where we had gotten to know each other. Apparently she's 15 and her last name is Kronor she also has a 3 month old baby girl, I asked who would take care of her, she replied that her neighbor had been taking care of her earlier that day when she was out doing errands but she was found by a guard and dragged off to the platform (where I was). "5, 4, 3..." Oh gosh It's starting, enough memories for now. 0! (Sound of TNT exploding). What am I going to do when I get there? Is someone going to kill me? Who can I trust I think to myself as I get onto the dry land and start sprinting towards a chest. I open it to find a cake, a diamond, a cobblestone sword, and a leather chest-plate. As I get out of the chest I can see someone running to me with an iron sword and no armor.

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