The Escape

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*"Sally! Sally!! Get up we got to go!"* *"Oh, ya! Ok let's go."* we whispered to each other. It looked like it was seven in the morning with the Suns position. We grabbed all our stuff and ran to our animals pen. We began to let out all the animals, but while we were doing so I noticed one of the animals eyes where whiter than usual... *"Sally! That cow, it eyes! There just like herobrine's!"* ""We better kill it, who knows what IT can do."* I went Over and killed it with my sword, but right after it died lava appeared where it had once been. "What the!" "Run Carson! Don't get burnt!" The lava began to spread and I had to think fast. I quickly ran along side of the fence but the gate was now blocked. I grabbed a piece of cobblestone out of my backpack and placed it right under me, I then hopped over what fence was still in my way. "Phew! that was close you had me scared to death!" "Well, lesson learned, you won't get beef from possessed cows! or probably any other possessed animal" We then kept moving, going over hills, through forests, trying to go back the way we came from our district. Always going to the top of the mountains too look around until, we finally saw a district, there was smoke coming from it though... We quickened our pace and got to the district which had the number twelve on it, our home district. The walls where broken down and worn so it was easy to get through. we got in to see nothing but a pile of rubble over than every couple meters there would be a redstone torch. And when we got to our houses, well they were just covered in redstone torches and there was a sign on each of our houses, for mine It read:
"Dear Carson, it was unfortunate that your mother died by the guards hands, because I would have made her suffer much more. your awakened haunter
Herobrine." "Darn..." I swore. Know understanding what was going on I ran over to Sally's house (saw her go to it while on my way to mine) I saw the door open was opened and read her "message"
"Dear Sally, the rebels here put up a fight for your young child. But in the end, I won. I enjoyed terrorizing your young little girl Beyond belief. I can't wait for your turn. your mortal enemy,
Herobrine. "Oh darn... that's just, dark..." I then heard a scream from upstairs. "AAAAHHHH!!!!" I ran up to find Sally staring into a crib, filled with blood and small guts. "What the darn is this, this MONSTER!! IM GOING TO KILL HIM, HEAR ME HEROBRINE?!? IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! K-I-L-L Y-O-U!!" *sniffle, sniff* I think I might need a little while Carson she said trying to hold back her tears" and for the next hour I waited for her to, well... try to recover. Eventually night came and I invited her to my house and let her sleep the whole night through.

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