Order in the court!

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(I'm really running out of good titles) I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update, I try so much, but I get so busy, forgive me people's!

(May be useful to know, in this situation, anyone can suggest an idea, but before the idea can be put to a vote, someone must second the idea, the leaders cannot make nor second an idea, he/she can suggest one, but can not actually make it official)

We were all sitting down in the church, the pastor had agreed to let us use the building, we couldn't be more grateful, it was the biggest building and the only one that could hold the whole town. Everyone was sitting next to there families, friends, anyone they knew. They were chatting nervously, not knowing what was happening. "ORDER! Order in the court!." I slammed my hammer on the table to beginning the meeting. "We have all come here to discuss problems that have come up in our town recently, Sally and I have noticed major emotional outbreaks in many parts of the town, from all people, even ourselves, we have come to believe that these are related to the beacons that were found set to influence. Some situations we use to support our beliefs are: when the New Chief, the one that has now passed away reacted violently when I distracted him from his office where his beacon was, so that my wife, Sally could sneak around his office and look for evidence to support our claim that he cheated to get his position as Chief. Another is when on the stage during the funeral he and one other person became very angry and sadly both ended up dying. They were very far away from the beacons when this happened. Our last piece of evidence is when all of you, or at least the majority violently began to chase us in the park shortly after we destroyed the beacon. We think that it affects everyone but we don't think that it affects everybody at the same level. Some people can resist it more than others. Now, what do you think?" I had now opened the conversation to the crowd, it didn't take long before someone said something. "I think that if it was the beacon, we shouldn't use them at all! We should get rid of them for good, even if they are set to Happiness." "Does anyone second this?" I asked. Another person stood up and announced that they would second the idea. Alright, we will vote on this now, Sally and I went around and handed out cards where they could right "Yes" or "No". If this were a more professional council we would have more privacy when voting, but because we are just a small village, we didn't. After everyone was done Rocky, Sally and I went around to collect them, after we tallied the votes Sally announced... "The vote has gone through, the beacon will be removed tomorrow and the iron blocks will be put into storage for later use. Are there anymore ideas that the village would like to discus?" Somebody else raised their hand. "Is there anyway that we can figure out who placed the beacon in the first place?" "Sadly not at the moment, we do not have any evidence leading to who could have done it. Anything else?.... No? Seeing that nobody is wanting to bring anything else to discussion this meeting is over and we will destroy the beacon in the morning before we go to remove Gershwin from his position. "The meeting is over!"

I'm sorry this is a short chapter, not much happening, but I thought this would just be a good, small update, if you guys think that the beacon is it, you're wrong (sorry 😂) there is a huge plot behind this, this is only the beginning, don't worry, this is my last story by the way (NOT LAST CHAPTER, LAST STORY), and after this is all finished I will do some major editing through the whole book and fix a lot of stuff that I should have fixed a long time ago... Yeah....

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