Preperation day

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Start on Carson
(After a loonnnggg walk)
"Phew! There over the hill! Finally I found a village! I guess those cows were reliable for giving directions... Too bad I ate them after.... Oh well!
*Walks into village*
Excuse me sir? Is there someone good with enchanting in your village?"
"Who are you? What do you want with us?"
"I need to enchant my gear for a fight"
"Why?... What for?"
"oh boy this isn't going to go well..." I mumble under my breath. "So I can take down Herobrine...."
*gasps and murmurs are Heard from every direction*
"Leave us! We don't want Herobrine to rain doom upon this village!"
"Whoa whoa whoa! I'll be in and out quick I just need some enchantments!"
*more murmurs are heard*
"Fine... But you must not be here.. We will enchant you're things.. But you must leave and come back tommorow...
"Fine... But I would prefer if you would have explosive enchantments with flame on my weapons and-"
We know what to do.. We've been preparing for him... Practicing... We will give you some of our own weapons for the night.. But first you must prove that your not Herobrine... Come with me"
*I follow him into a large house then everything goes dark and I am splashed with a potion* (I'm breaking minecraft rules a bit because I have to, but I mean like Yolo.. Right?)
Suddenly I'm back at my home town.. Standing on the stage where I was chosen for the games.. Watching my mom being dragged away then the sound of arrows and screams follows...
"NOOOOO!!!!!!!! I scream. I try to run after her, but Mr. Microsoft holds me with an unbreakable grip I feel my eyes fill with tears... The scenes play over and over right in front of me for a couple more minutes Then everything goes back to normal... Im out of tears still sniffling.
"I'm sorry that it was repeated so many times.. But we don't know how long your worst memory would be and we had to have it play all the way through so you would get an emotional feel out of it. You, unlike Herobrine would, showed emotion and cried.. You will receive all the help we can offer..."
*He calls to a villager who brings in a sword, bow and arrows, I take them without saying anything, still shocked at what he did to me*
"If only Sally were here.. She would have helped me without bringing back painful memories, *sigh* I can't get her off my mind, I really miss her.... there's no doubt, I love her and can't stop thinking of her.. Oh how I wish she was here... I think to myself. I can hear him saying his sorry's again for what he brought back to my mind and then felt him usher me out of the house and into the woods.
"I guess I'll sleep here" I say after walking for a while. "No point in going to far away from the village" I then lay my head on the ground and close my eyes.
"OOOF!!" I yell after being thrown back into my cell another wonderful nice through my skin... Ugh... It hurts so much!! *starts crying* Where is Carson! I miss him so much! He would comfort me. I'm being barely fed, and am getting next to NO sleep.. Oh I love him and never want to leave his side again...

(Sneaking on iPod after they logged me on... Told them I would be doing something else but wrote this whole chapter instead! Long chapter for the win!)

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