Election day

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K, you better thank a certain someone in the comments of the last chapter, cause he's the only one convincing me to continue writing this, but so be it, also if you see a spelling mistake, please highlight it, and then comment (one comment per mistake please) this will make my story better :)

I heard the sound of Sally sucking air through her teeth nervously as she sat next to me in the voting booth, she was just as nervous as I was. We both wanted to win this election, our very first election, we had made a great speech, had lots of people clapping at the end. What more could we have done? Well I guess I could have used mind powers to tell them mentally that we would be great headmasters... But that would have been cheating and Sally and I are no cheaters. It had been a week since our speech so to add to the stress of our election, our wedding was today! Talk about busy. Sadly since we just started here in this town, we had no money so I couldn't take Sally on a honeymoon but even if we had been here longer we still would have had no money! Everything was free! Everyone worked for free, everyone got stuff for free, if you didn't work here, you didn't live here. Oh well, we could still go out for dinner here and maybe go into the woods to have nature walks. There was only one other person running for head chief, he had made no speeches, nothing, not even posters, we walked up to introduce ourselves, he looked very shaky, I thought that this would just be because he had some competition this time. "Hello!" I said. "I don't think we've met, this is Sally my almost wife, and I'm Carson." "Hi." He said in a shaky voice "My name is Gershwin, I've been head master for 5 years now, I love my job, I love these people, it's a great town to live in." He finished as he clearly forced a smile. "Well it was nice meeting you, may the best man, or couple win!" Sally said happily. We sat back down and not that long after the people were let into vote, once everyone was in a line the voting began, I looked at the lines they looked fairly equal, only time would tell who won. After all the voting had finished we all waited in the newest part of the village, the park to see who won, the vote counter gave an envelope to the announcer, who then opened it and read aloud.. "The head chief, winner of the election is... Gershwin!" There was an applause from the audience and although we were very disappointed we clapped and forced smiles on our faces. Gershwin stood up and went to the stage to make a speech, I honestly wasn't listening, it was mostly just about how thankful he was for all the support. I couldn't believe it though! I was sure that we made an impression on the people, but according to statistics, apparently not, we must have been close, I used my telekinetic powers to ask Sally what she thought, I didn't ask her with words because everyone was quietly listening to Gershwin who was now wrapping up his speech. "What do you think about this Sally he didn't even put up posters!" I mentally asked. "I'm not sure, I was sure that you made an impression with that speech, but then again, we did just arrive a few weeks ago" "Ya... I know it just doesn't seem right" "Right or not we tried, that's all that counts, right? Besides you already won something much more important" (Ready for this cheesiness?)
"What?" I asked. "My heart" She said. I smiled, she was totally right. Even though we had lost the election I was still really excited about our wedding. I decided to go throw out our planned speech of thanks, so I got up along with the rest of the crowd that was beginning to leave after Gershwin's speech, while I went to do this, Sally went to go congratulate Gershwin. When I got to the garbage I could see someone coming by to take the garbage away from the garbage chest, quite a smart design, a hopper over a chest that could just be used to throw random items in, in this case mostly worn down tools from maintaining the park, not wanting to jump in front of him to throw my letter out I waited till he was done and then threw my letter out, I was going to head back when I saw a different letter on the ground right near the garbage, I went and picked it up. I looked at it and was going to throw it out until I realized it was unopened. curious I opened it and read it, very surprised I now ran back to Sally stuffing the letter in my inventory.

I'm going to say this from now on because I think it will help, don't forget to vote and comment! Please most importantly comment, I want to hear what your thinking of my story bad or good, be honest

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